Can i sell my Blog somewhere?

Possible Duplicate: How to sell a website?

I own a blog earlier its has alexa ranking as well. Its a technical blog where we used to update about the recent software, technical concepts, websites reviews etc. But my partner didnt showed much interest in it and finally he wants to sell the blog. I am planing to open a new one so is there is any option where we can sell this blog online. Also if anyone has idea what kind of price we can demand for.

Blog Payments Selling

asked May 11 '12 at 22:38
121 points
  • Selling a blog isn't running a startup. Your question is off-topic. – Dnbrv 13 years ago
  • We can't even begin to address the website's valuation. We can help you with where to sell the website, but that has been answered many times on this site. Please search the site for answers to that. – Zuly Gonzalez 13 years ago

1 Answer


First be aware that if it is a free hosted blog you must check the T&C, because most of the time you can't sell the blog, (even transfer sometimes).

The price will depend on traffic, audience and content. The best route for this is to check some specialized sites like: There are other that you can find on the web. From there you can check some similar sites and their asking price, that would give you an idea.

My last thought is why not arrange the price and buy the half owned by your partner ? In that case you will be up and running immediately. I thing there is more benefits on that idea, instead of selling the blog.

answered May 12 '12 at 00:07
489 points
  • thnx... but he is asking too much i wont be able to afford that amount. – Amod0017 13 years ago
  • sorry but the price must be arranged by both, If both are the owners of the blog – User983248 13 years ago
  • actually i am not a official partner. we dont have the agreement; he had registered the site and i have written and established the blog. – Amod0017 13 years ago

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Blog Payments Selling