We're an enterprise services company and while there are no rules, everyone just automatically prefers to be dressed "old school".
This has created a problem for us to attract designers in the bay area. They come for an interview and automatically think we're "old farts".
How can I get past their false perception about us without forcing my executive staff to rip their pants on the bottom to seem more hip?
There are three ways you can attract good designers (or pretty much anyone else):
1. Vision
People rarely buy into what we do. What they really want to know is why you do it. Start with why.
2. Culture
Your team needs to have an identity that defines who you truly are. While the suits & ties might raise a few alarms for them at first glance, the way you explain your vision and culture should put those concerns to rest.
3. Creative control
This is especially true for designers. You hired them because they are the experts on the field. Let them own what they do.