Competitors Questions

2 Votes
1 Answers
How to deal with negative SEO efforts from competitors?

Lately I have had someone constantly post thousands of spam blog comments which have links that point to my site. It is a huge amount of work trying to keep up with disavowing these links in Google...

asked Sep 9 '14 at 15:14
Patrick Gonzalez
14 points

2 Votes
1 Answers
Ways to differentiate from competition?

What are some common and not so common methodologies to differentiate from your competition? Here are some I can think of: Customer service Returns policy Donating small part of revenues to charity...

asked May 6 '14 at 17:55
Coleen Briggs
11 points

1 Votes
1 Answers
Post a legal letter from a large competitor in order to get publicity?

A larger competitor recently sent us a legal letter asking us to change certain things about our app because it infringes on their app (it doesn't).Is it legal for us to make this letter public on...

asked May 2 '14 at 17:12
Donald Seymour
6 points

3 Votes
2 Answers
How can startups create a moat or lock-in for their product?

Large companies do it with lengthy contracts or brand recognition. What strategies can startups use to lock users in. Not in terms of a shady practice like not letting them export data, but in...

asked Apr 27 '14 at 13:29
John Boucher
16 points

2 Votes
1 Answers
Which is better: first to market or second mover advantage?

We have an idea for a Saas app which is the first of its kind. Even after extensive research, there is just one possible competitor, and even they aren't an exact match.It's not a question of...

asked Apr 24 '14 at 21:12
April Simmons
14 points

0 Votes
2 Answers
Selling business: is it legal for competitors to pose as potential buyers to gain insight?

I'm looking to sell a website and wondering if it's legal for a competitor to pose as a buyer to get detailed insight of how my business operates?i.e. If they have no intention of buying the...

asked Mar 11 '14 at 10:10
Richard Clark
110 points