What's the quickest way to get a quick term loan or SBA loan? My company has been in business for about 5 years, with over $20,000 in monthly cash flow. I have tried to apply for financing with a...
A little background on my business: I have been in business for about 4 years and generate $190K in annual profits. The one thing holding my small business back from growth is lack of capital. Been...
Is there a way to get an easy business loan for a medical business?I work with a client who is in urgent need of financing. They essentially want to bridge gaps in working capital by taking out an...
To buy a capital investment and build inventory, a family member wrote a $3,000 personal check to my company. We verbally agreed on terms of 1 year at 10% interest with monthly payments. My...
My biz partner and I split up (not amicably) a couple of months ago, and he left my bootstrapped startup business. When he left, his total equity in the company was vested up to 20%. I own the...
I came up with an invention 4yrs ago and just recently took it to invent tech to get help making it. My husband drew out the sketch for me. When I took it to Invent Tech they told me it would cost...
I would like to start a hotel over the next few years. I know I will need a lot of capital to do so. I am working on getting the capital right now but I would like to know what a realistic amount...
I have some extra cash that I'd like to use to earn cash. Does the following proposal seem good, and if so, are there investor/borrower groups or online communities where I could find startups who...
I am curious whether the person is liable to paying back any business loans taken from a bank for a business that they have. If the business goes out of business, does the load simply vanish? How...
Background I've been working on a video game for android devices (i.e. an app) for some months now, and I'm getting close to completing a solid, well polished product I'm lucky enough to have an...
I am thinking of becoming a sole trader. I know as a sole trader I am liable for any debt the company has. Can I place money from my personal account into the business account to start it off? I...
Just wondering if a software startup can qualify for SBA loan or is it actually for brick and mortar mom/pop business? If anyone has experience successfully getting a loan for Software startup...
I discovered that I have some borrowing capacity at low rates based on an investment account that I have, and so I'd like to draw down that money and loan money to start-ups and other companies...
I've been operating a local computer repair and retail business for about 2 years and haven't needed a line of credit until now. The problem is that I'm in college and have student loans. So, as a...
In the near future I will be taking a small business loan. I had planned on going to my local bank or to lending club but then I figured maybe I can get away with opening a new credit card with a...
I am the owner of a website that distributes digital content (photo/ footage/ music) for the film, interactive and media industries. We launched four years ago and are among the market leaders in...
So how typically does financing work. Are investors basically giving me a loan that I have to pay back? Are they buying equity (so that upon business failure, nobody owes anybody anything)? Are...
The question speaks for itself. There are similar questions, but I didn't find one that provides a checklist of things you should consider before and after borrowing money to fund your...
I'd like to start a thread discussing the type of funding different startups are using and why. I think that there are a lot of people here who would like to hear the general experiences,...