If I sell a product for, say, £1000, and a buyer in another country pays me via a bank transfer, should I expect them to pay the bank charges? Is it something that should be explicit on the invoice...
I'm a foreign entrepreneur, If a US investor shows interest in investing in my company. At what stage do i have to meet them? do you think it's worth it to spend $2000 in travel expenses and yet...
I've come over from Stack Overflow. I'm currently working full time as a web site developer, and like many people have got a bit fed up of working for someone else and want to set my own business...
I am facing a dilemma: Currently my mobile/web development start-up company is working on two non-profit projects, that may find an audience and therefore promote the company's name among mobile...
I've built a fantastic reporting tool that can be sold to small to medium size companies. ReportingMate is the only reporting software I know that doesn't use report designers and allows...
We are looking at developing a new product but want to get the market research right first up. It's a time keeping application with some secret sauce. We have brain stormed a range of vertical...
I am planning into getting involved in a venture in an asian country. I have a friend from this country that has an experience in the kind of business I want to be involved in and that has “ built...
Three questions: Can I register a company/ business in the US on H-1B visa? Does an online business need to be registered with the state or country? If answers to the above are yes, then what's...
I'm looking to improve conversion rates for my service by improving the tightening the messaging and copy. To achieve that, I want to improve the market segmentation as it'll ease the process of...
Context: I've been reading up on lean startups for a year and have been flailing unsuccessfully trying to launch one. It's been a tough go, but I have gained a lot of validated learning through my...
we have been in business for few years, we have a product (software) that is being refined every day, we have a small team we have paying customers. we are profitable. Our lead developer, which is...
I have an unlimited webhosting plan from http://www.domainindia.org/web_site_hosting_india.php. I want to give my users a registered domain name like: usersite.com and provide a cpanel to them...
In the mid-90s I was involved with a partner for two years in a non-internet related tech startup (I know, stupid). The OP provided money and the business end. It was a 50/50 deal. I was a...
My mom has an idea for a cooking related tool/utensil. I presume she will need to get a prototype designed and built so she can gauge interest and ultimately find someone to do mass production. I...
2 other guys and myself decided to put together a young mens online magazine. We collectively came up with the name, but I came up with the concept of the magazine. 1 guy does the writing and the...
I opened a business checking account last year using my SSN. If I get a federal EIN, can my bank update this or do I need to open a new account? Basically, at the time I opened the checking...
Does anyone know where I could find a (comprehensive) list of start-up incubators around Los Angeles or in Orange County? I already have some connections in the area, but most seem to be oriented...
The two terms 'Lifestyle Branding' and 'Aspirational Branding' seem to be used in the same or very similar context. Is there a difference between them or are they just synonyms
I am considering publishing my web app to the Google Apps Marketplace and find the $100 entry fee a bit steep. Can someone share any experience about the Google Apps Marketplace?