I have often read that single founder companies are given lower priority by incubators and angels. I was thinking about bringing in an additional founder. They will be "new." First, I will have...
I am about to start writing to Angel investors about my project. Can anybody tell me what are the bullet points to be included while writing to Angels. Should I follow any steps while writing to...
I am starting an internet business I have enough traffic of my estimation and I am currently earning through to Google adsense program now I faced a question What are the major risks that can...
I am the single member of an LLC consulting company. I have half the revenue of a company that is thinking of "acquiring" me. They are in the same industry. They just incorporated within 1 year and...
If I'm setting up a system where people can sell stuff online. I'm planning on having my own merchant account and setting up my own payment system. The problem I ran into is how to I send money...
I was wondering what characteristics a venture needs to have in order to be a real .org? Also, since I never ran a .org before, what are some of the implications/pitfalls that come with that kind...
I am thinking about building a service around some other company APIs. However, prior of diving into some code, I would like to evaluate all the strategic aspects of such a "one way...
I am starting a consulting firm with my friend who lives in Washington, D.C. but I currently live in Virginia. To make matters a little more interesting, I will also be moving permanently to...
I am hiring for software developer position. Now I got this one guy who solved my C test well. But I find that hes a bit oversmart. I also got this other guy whosdid 80% correctly. So, now I am...
I am self-employed developer resident in an EU country. Currently working on a product that will be eventually be sold online. Over the years I’ve noticed that several smaller UK software companies...
I was thinking about this, is domain squatting illegal ? I've initially thought that it was illegal, and there are people quoting various laws and stuff that says it's illegal, but after looking...
I have a brand new website for easy sharing of music. The files are intended to be copyright free (home recordings, podcasts etc). The system though could easily be used for music which does have...
In my first letter to Angel investors that describes my work should I include a description of my exit strategy? And if that is something I should include, what all should I include in describing...
We are making a I.T based framework, which contains visual learning, MCQ-exam, student performance analytic. We think to put expert-exchange service in our business model. Here experts...
The World's richest people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Pages, Warren Buffet and these people who are ruling the World once upon a time they don't have enough money to start a company...
I have an idea. I started Googling for investors with immaturity. Well, once I got matured enough I thought first starting a company on my own with the little money I have and later I can find...
I am 22 years old. Finished my bachelors degree and now started a small scale business. I strongly believe that one day I will grow high and make international expansion. My parents asks me to stop...
I'd like to form an LLC for an online business in a state other than mine (I live in California), but am not sure about the state in which I should register the business afterward. The business...
We are in B2B business and now and then someone will send a message via our contact page with a fake name, free email, fake phone etc. Most of the time the question itself is badly written or...
As an employee at an early stage start up company , what are the benefit of stock option vs equity? It seems to me like equity is far preferable , but is there any advantage to stock option over...