After months and months and months of work, our team finally launched our first application.
We have been very fortunate to receive a lot of feedback and one of my first "goals" post-launch is to create an effective feedback system so that I can efficiently get meaningful feedback to the development team.
Brief background: Launched with Mac OS X client. Team consists of three developers and three non-developers. Non-developers will be spending a lot of time on the road marketing and receiving word-of-mouth feedback. Our desired goal is to create workflow so that the non-developers receive all of the raw bug reports and feedback, organize it, sort it, and present it to the development team in a prioritized list.
While this seems easy and straight forward enough, I would appreciate any help from the community regarding best practices.
This is based on how we managed our desktop Windows app.
There are alternatives to FogBugz (as you probably know) that is just what we used.