We have introduced a new software.It has been only 25 days since the launch,we have got only a single sale.I'm just concerned about the conversion rate.What can i do to improve the conversion rate?
What you really need is to improve your sales. Conversion rate can be only one of many problems crippling your sales.
As it is impossible to advise you without knowing details of your situation (there might be loads of separate reasons or even some more complex combinations of reasons) I would point your attention to one type of quite a widespread online sale mistake.
You should remove any obstacles which stop prospect customers from 'touching' your product. The moment you put a product in clients' hands they start to play with it and become 'emotionally invested'. There is a reason why products on the shalves are not boxed and one can hop into a car at a local car dealership.
You should avoid registrations (account setup), ask for demo forms, etc. Just let them use it and if they find it useful charge them for it.
Source: TellMeYouDidnt.com
First of all, you need to understand if it's the conversion rate, or traffic rate which is the biggest problem.
If in 25 days you had only a single visitor to your site and you got a single sale, you need to work on getting more traffic to your product/site.
If, on the other hand, you had a million visitors, you definitely need to work on the conversion side of things.
There's a huge amount of questions to ask, but if you focus on these, you'll start in the right direction:
Assuming you have some real traffic to your web site...
You can use A/B testing.
But, first, make sure you have enough traffic.
Because the average conversion rate in software is ~2%, you will need > 100 to get another customer.
After getting traffic, you can A/B test with your page layout and see what happens.
Before they leave your website, make sure that you micro-convert them as newsletter subscribers with some interactions.
After that, make sure you trigger some emails reminding them about what they are missing and giving them some trials, etc. After that repeat, attract, optimize, hook.
Maybe survey your current customer or email them to find out how it's going or issues they've had?