I raised a query in another question about Facebook ads and someone suggested to focus elsewhere on acquiring customers and use Facebook to engage and maintain relationships. So that got me...
We have registered an LLC from New Jersey and now we have have got couple awesome projects from Canada. They are software projects. Can we do them from here (US)? How about the taxes? Can some...
I just set up a Facebook page for a totally new business along with a teaser page. The Facebook page is looking a little lost. I still have some work to do to spruce it up and give it a little more...
I'm just about to release my first publicly available web app, and I'm wondering what type of revenue model to use. Basically, the entire idea of the app is that it does not require log ins, so,...
Does anybody know a good terms of service generator? I need one that, besides inserting company name and etc, will outline my and my customers' rights so I don't have to read the whole thing. I'm...
I've had this idea in my mind for a while now and I wanted some of your opinions on this. I'm a PhD student in Computer Science. I feel like the inventions that many students do just go within...
One of my friends is itching to leave a very well paying job in a big corp. and join a startup. But since startup's don't get enough visibility, finding the right start can be a challenge. Are...
I am registering for an LLC after freelancing on the side. My current clients are writing checks to my name. Do I just simply cash these checks into my business account going forward?
Quick question - Does our homepage need lots of keyword rich content? Right now, it has only about 60-70 words on it and apart from the Title of the page, our keywords are not really present. All...
My friend and I are planning on forming an LLC around some services we are providing. I am working fulltime on our services and started the initial work 6 months in advance My partner has a...
I have an LLC and developed a copyrighted program that I sell online. I frequently enter in various terms online and see how I'm doing in the search results vs. my competitors. All of a sudden, I...
My website is rather unique in what it offers to users. Not only does it offer a forum specific for different subjects, but it includes Links boards and News boards for the subjects where users can...
I have been developing a game for 3 years now. And recently, a friend has joined me to work on the game with me. By next year, we plan to bring along an artist and musician to help us finish the...
Our startup has recently been accepted into StartupChile (SUP). If you don't know, they offer a 40K grant to launch over 6 months in Chile without claiming any equity in your project. Our team...
I'm kind of in the dilemma of choosing between continuing with my startup or accepting a very well paid and intellectually motivating job offering from a multinational company who just opened a...
So... in a startup... im the techie/developer of the business, my partner is the business side. While, I'm developing this elaborate application... what should he be doing? What do business people...
From your experience, as entrepreneur or as user, please order from the most important (1) to the least important (6) these features for a software product... A) Support (mail, chat or phone) B)...
I am producing a medical device which sells between 5000 and 20,000. Competition allows multiple distributors who all advertise on the web and compete by offering incentives...prices are set by...
We have an app on Mac and PC and are considering an iPad version. I'd like to have a free iPad version that users get but can only access the content if they bought the PC or Mac version. (This...
If a candidate does not follow up after a job interview should I automatically dismiss them as a candidate? I have interviewed a number of very qualified candidates for a position that I am hiring...