I'm working on a start up project that'll offer a video based product. The product will be distributed via the web, so i need a programmer to develop the website for it If you look at the project...
I was approached by a freelancer i have worked before with to work together as a company. I would be interested in partnering with him. But need some advice on how to get into this partnership. My...
I'm involved in a deal where an industry organization is attempting to white label my software. Their Chairperson is a lawyer, so they are cautious on the legal stuff. They want to be absolutely...
I came up with an invention 4yrs ago and just recently took it to invent tech to get help making it. My husband drew out the sketch for me. When I took it to Invent Tech they told me it would cost...
(also posted on The Workplace ) A friend of mine (no tech bg, but lots of business xp) is planning to found a startup and has invited me to be the CTO. I have some background working in IT and in...
I recently just started an IT business. I built the product and got the product out there and brought in clients already. I asked a friend to partner with me to build the company. I gave him 30%...
In this question, the original poster has a hidden question in: Giving up an equity stake puts me at a disadvantage from a voting perspective (or does it?) Can you structure it as a non-voting...
I am currently working as a Software Developer with a company. As well, I provide solutions also to some clients part time. Recently I got an inquiry for a software product. I believe that the...
Two month ago I've joined with two friends to build a startup. I came with the idea and we started working. Two weeks ago, the first partner left the project due to lack of time. The second partner...
I've found a great partner for my second tech startup, and want to structure this one better than the first, which made money but eventually got ugly due to poor choices my younger self made along...
I have a unique problem that I was hoping to get some clarity on. The Co-Founder of our business (in Canada) wants to end the business and get out. The company has been operating for 3 years and...
This question might sound dumb, but I'm at a complete loss of what to do. My friend and I discussed starting a web site business years ago. For about a year and a half, we met every other weekend...
We are 3 partners, working on a mobile / web startup for a year and 4 months. The CEO didn't put this startup as his #1 priority as he's involved in some other ventures. Apart from a meeting or a...
Is a partnership made official when the operating agreement is signed or after all partners make the required initial capital contribution as outlined in the operating agreement?
I decided to I wanted to franchise a retail business and a colleague said they wanted to see the business plan. They loved it and believed in the work I had put in a decided they wanted to go into...
I have a provisional patent for a product that I have been developing. I had a meeting last weekend with two individuals and we have verbally agreed to form a partnership. The partner who will be...
Is it a good idea to get a friend on board who I trust and I know who can work hard but not very technical himself? He has got some good sales skills (not necessarily internet related). I am on...
I've developed a new product that I am going to be selling and putting on the market. I had been planning on funding everything with my own personal savings. I have a friend (Mike) who believes in...
I am a female programmer/software developer and basically a 'techpreneur'. I just finished work on a web app to provide advertising and marketing campaigns for companies. I coded everything from...
I want to start a web design company, and ultimately a brand name. I am hoping to acquire skills, financing, and contacts simultaneously. Is this possible? Can one generate enough money with...