I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get your startup featured on TV? I have had some success getting written about on some blogs, but nothing that non startup / tech people would see.
Me and my brother have a limited company, with 1 angel investor. We sell software we have written ourselves, mainly to individuals but we will be looking at educational institutions soon. Our...
We've heard from several formerly wildly successful software/webapp companies using the freemium business model that it is no longer working well. Does anyone have any validation to this? And if...
I would like to provide a minibus service: a customer makes an order through a web page and a minibus picks this customer up to ride him anywhere he wants. The payment is done by a credit card on...
Hi anyone that can help! I have a UK limited company which is web based. I am thinking of spending anything upto 12 months in CA and wondered if its legal for me to carry on running my UK business...
Where can I find best business plan makers online.
Is it smart to release a small project as free and open-source to display my abilities as a programmer. I don't mean that in a "Hey, look at me, I'm awesome!" way. I mean it in a "This is the...
As my product has evolved my co-founder's skill set has become irrelevant. Furthermore, I've come to believe his efforts at this point are hurting our potential more so than helping it. We are...
Possible Duplicate: How to start a business and not destroy your marriage? I began to seriously work on a startup idea during the summer after reading a bunch of blogs and watching startup...
I'm in the process of publishing my product which is ready for beta testing. It has some level of complexity, therefore guidance is required. But I don't want to spend (yet) a couple of months...
Say I was given an incentive stock option for X number of shares at an exercise price of Y per share. The shares vest over 4 years. How do you determine the worth of this stock option? A) What is...
I'm a sole founder of a rather ambitious company which I have worked tirelessly to build. The company will require some heavy lifting from well connected political persons to help the company to...
Is there are particular method for banks or individuals when their capital is invested in the company before going public. To make it more clear how was Facebook Inc. and Goldman Sachs deal valued...
What steps should I take to protect myself (and the company) as the sole developer of the product? My business partner will be handling the business side of things. It was his idea, originally,...
Does anyone have personal experience, good articles, or case studies that document the pros and cons of offering a free trial with no obligation (i.e. you don't collect credit card information at...
My portal is starting to show some traction. We've been online 4.5 months after 1 year of developing it. We already have close to 50k twitter followers, 1,000 visitors a day between PPC + Organic,...
Possible Duplicate: Finding out another start-up has the same idea Is there any reason to scrap a start-up, when you find out there is more competition then originally thought? My partners and I...
I believe this will work here in India since there are more and more people willing to earn extra sitting right at their home. This gives a scope for future in dropshipping business. As am being in...
This is for people that have succeeded with a startup, what is your best tip for a startup if you could only give one? Please limit your answer to one tip only.
I'm working with a local business that has a storefront and an online catalog selling wine, and they're wondering how they can best improve their search engine results. If you search for their...