In the signup process for our CRM software, we collect cell phone numbers from customers. Would it be too intrusive to SMS a tip on how to better use the software once/twice a month?
They would be able to disable this in their settings if they'd prefer not to receive the text messages anymore.
The main reason behind doing this is we get a lot of signups for the trial, but few convert at the end of the trial. We're thinking of trying this out and see if it increases conversions.
Software Customers Trial Conversion SMS
The thing about SMS is it's very interuptive, which makes unwanted notifications especially annoying. It's also not very actionable. Am I going to click a link from the text and use your web app from my smartphone? Doubtful.
If you're really set on trying it, I'd use texting as a way to opt trial customers in to a one-time call with a sales / customer experience person who can talk with them about their needs / walk them through how to use it. Try using a text like:
"Hey [customer name], saw you might be having trouble with the [service-name] trial. Would you be up for a quick call, where I can answer any questions / show you some of the really valuable ways to use it? --Jennifer @ [service-name]"
It's not super scalable (unless you're also scaling a sales force), but at the beginning, that's okay. These calls could be great customer development for you.
Some other things to consider: