Two friends and myself are developing a mobile app that we will sell on the Apple app store and the Android marketplace. We have decided to form an LLC to sell the application. Two of us are...
We are building a startup, we are a few weeks away from our MVP launch. We have had some initial positive investor conversations with an angel and a couple VCs. One large VC that generally doesn't...
I was thinking it all right to work on my great concept during my free hours and weekend left from my day job. however, lately, I feel I cannot use this free time effectively due to job stress and...
I have applied for the registration of my company, but it might take around 3 months to get all the formalities clear. In the meantime, is it possible to approach any VC and ask for funding? I ask...
What kind of document would this be called? A little background: Party#1 is the programmer contracted to help build my website. He has signed an NDA/work for hire. Over the last couple months he...
I'm from Germany and want to run small events (around 50 participants) in the United States, which involve the sale of tickets (probably online) and payment to contractors which contribute to the...
I recently signed up for a membership card in my local supermarket. This membership card has a point system based on the amount you have paid on that store. For example if you 10 Euro of items you...
We had planned not to market our website that goes live in 8 weeks, but now going for the opposite. So we are building a website where users sign up and interact on the basis of XYZ (apologies for...
I'm a software developer with MANY personal ideas. Many of my ideas get implemented by other people throughout the years, which means they are viable. A life style I learned about is...
Does Facebook's Terms of Service allow you to sell ad or banner space on your own tab page or canvas application within Facebook?
I live in a country where corruption and bureaucracy are widespread. Opening a business takes months and costs a lot of money, and will require one to hire somebody solely for handling all...
I'm going to start raising funds for my company soon. I already have more than a prototype website and can take payments, but still need to get a little more development complete. I'm undecided on...
I've finally found someone I wish to extend an offer to as a business partner and make him a part owner in the company, only he's international. The company is an LLC based in the USA and this...
If someone in the US holds a very broad patent on a web based process in the US, is it possible to create an offshore company to circumvent the existing patent? What are the possible repercussions...
I have seen some entrepreneurs use the term non-profit startup. What exactly is a non-profit startup?
My friend and I have invested $40-$50 k in a website we are launching in April. We have full time jobs but put all our savings into this project. We are done with the development phase and are...
I'd like to put targeted ads in my free iOS application. My app serves a relatively niche group (say hobby fisherman). What's the best ad network to use? I've used Admob and Apple's iAds in other...
Does anyone have any opinions on the best way to promote a web application aimed at developers? We have spent the last few months developing an application and it will be released some time this...
8 months ago, my wife and I were starting to build our own business. We didn't create our own products, at least not yet for now, what we do is just reselling others product. We didn't open offline...