What are some key factors for a startup to consider when determining to build a low margin/high volume business or a high margin/low volume business? The only factor I can think of is the sales...
My website isn't generating any traffic yet as it's under developement and ready to be launch within a week. I need to sort out selling ads on my website's part as soon as I can. I tried to use...
I am looking for a way to let my customers enter any issues they have, and be able to check the status of the issue. Sort of like what you see in the Google code issue tracker. I want to be able...
I am contracting (pay by hour) with a startup company building a web service platform (SaaS). I am a programmer. The company already has the prototype product, so my duty is to develop new features...
I'm building a startup of P2P model that will work with a payment gateway. But I have a problem with that, in my country the formalities to have a payment gateway are very slow (take about two...
Just because I didn't make 250k a yr ago why cant I be considered an angel if I was short like 20k but made it this year? Also, where can I invest, because most places dont want to deal with...
Here's my quick CV: I'm a real geek: for 18 years between 8 and 12hours a day in front of a computer; no girlfriend until 20 because computers were more important than anything else; nervous...
Actually I m fresh recent grad who has just started his freelancing work. In due course i have got a project to develop website for a middle scale business (travel agent). As I don't trust on my...
My business partner and I are forming an LLC. As I understand, members of an LLC are not employees and therefore are not on payroll. Instead they pay themselves by taking a draw from the LLC...
I think this forum is appropriate for the following question, but if not, I am happy to be directed elsewhere. For startup business planning purposes, I am wondering if anyone here has heard of a...
I reserve some space on my website for selling ads and cannot find any Terms and Conditions anywhere on the Internet that I could use as a template. Consulting or hiring a lawyer is off the table...
If I were to be employed by a European company to represent them in India to develop the market, what taxes and laws will apply? Secondly, how will the expenses made within the country and travel...
We just launched a website for a enterprise product and still doing market validation. One of the customer(potential) has tested the software and wants a official quote and wants to purchase the...
There have been a few OnStartups threads about how an employer could look at your start-up experience. Since this board favors people who are either currently involved in a start-up or are...
I have someone's name, address and number. However, I have never met or spoke with him, and he has no idea who I am. I know he has a need for a specific kind of software, which I can provide. How...
I am doing contract work for a start-up company and the founder is thinking of hiring me as an employee (actually as the first employee). I am also willing to work for this start-up company,...
I'm developing a "free" iphone app for selling shirts based in an Asian country. The payment method is by credit cards or wire transfer, not by Apple's in-app purchases. Does Apple allow this kind...
I'm not sure if my question is a bit paranoid, but still need to at least hear that I am, if so. I am considering starting a little software development company. Initially I want to host a small...
A business has $80,000 worth of liabilities that must be paid within the next 3 months. The liquid (can be turned into cash quickly) assets total only $60,000, the sales and collections from...
Yet another equity sharing question, because I couldn't find a similar one that matches my exact scenario. So I have this start-up, and my product is already live, getting great reviews, media...