I've recently started a start-up in the poker sector and will be launching a product we've been working on for around 8 months this coming week. I am going to be contacting bloggers, and other...
For a number of months I have been thinking how to create an e-commerce solution that competes with Amazon. I came up with an idea that is probably lame, but i'd like to understand why it will not...
I am currently the Director of Engineering for a tech/website startup in NYC. I was hired in Nov 2010 after they obtained an angel investment of around 1 million dollars. I am the second tech...
I have developed a website idea but have no funds to get it started. I have told friends close to me about my idea and they love it..some have even offered to invest in the company. Im thinking I...
I'm writing an advisory for a company that's already running for over 4 years. One of the things that came up is that they don't have any written mission statement. What is the modern opinion on...
My idea works with the help of major companies, however, Im afraid if I share it with them they may steal the idea. I know there isnt much I can do to protect myself from this happening. My...
Here's the scenario: Myself and 2 partners have been working on a project since January. Since we are all friends (mistake number 1) we orally agreed to split the future company's equity three ways...
What are the good caps (like in terms of certain grades/marks, projects etc) that a tech startup could apply on the candidates applying for a job. Support there are lots of job seekers and we don't...
The wording can influence their response, so which way to ask is the best ?
I've been running a crowd sourced quiz site for a while: http://www.quizmash.com While I'm getting plenty of quizzes taken through google search traffic, my conversion rate to entering a question...
Foreward : Assume the beta release had been executed with lean a startup model and had generated impressive traction within a single city launch. In preparation for investment proposals for a web...
I'm in the process of setting up a company, and am trying to figure out what numbers to put in the Share Structure Table in the company registration form (download here ). I will be the sole...
I plan to startup a coffee shop with a family member. We're in the research and grant writing process right now, and I was hoping to see if there were any successful grant proposals which anyone...
I am new to the start up world and doing well as a sales executive for the company who was given a base salary to start with no invested interest in the company. The base salary goes down on an...
I have a great idea for a start-up business, but need to find someone that would be willing to partner with me. I must find someone that is much more tech savvy than myself that can build a...
I plan to get a trademark registered and I was searching the USPTO website to see if it already taken or not. I figured out the Live/Dead Indicator is "Dead". Does that mean I can get this...
I have a collection of tools that collect data. I have heard of businesses selling data. I would like to be able to do something like this. However, I have no idea what a business model around data...
I currently use mint.com to keep track of my personal finances and I love it! Is there an equivalent product in regards to quality/execution for small businesses/startups? What does everyone here...
we are the smartphone application developer ,specialist in iphone and android development and want to create our own company website with portfolio but we want web content should be different which...
We are currently structuring our book accounts and really do not have any idea when should we put employees salary under cost or expense. Some said that we should put it under cost but some others...