Once we launch our product, we intended to raise our first round of funding. The preparation has already started, including the budget. I feel that the budget should be highly detailed, realistic...
I'm working on launching a startup based on a new computing platform developed by my co-founders. The platform itself is very powerful and flexible, and we envision it being used as a foundation...
I'm just in a really weird situation, I hope you guys can help me with this. I have a company in Mexico, we do web design and stuff .. this project (from a USA 50+ guy) was kinda special and I...
I have been very much interested in starting up a tech business in Minnesota, however relocating to, say, California really isn't an option at this point in my life. Are there any companies in...
Amazon recently announced that it will cease paying affiliate reward to its California associates. As a startup very reliant on affiliate fees, is there any way to get around this? Background: We...
Marketing your startup takes many forms. The classical marketing approach revolves around the 4 P’s: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. For this question and answer, we will tackle the Promotion...
We are having a startup in social and location based networking space. We are currently in private beta. What will be the best strategy or events to launch the product? Thanks!
I started an LLC in NY with LegalZoom back in January and have not been paying much attention to the "Withholding Requirements". I don't have employees and I'm not getting paid, do I need to file...
Possible Duplicate: Strategies for coming up with ideas I am trying to find new business ideas but I have not yet found one. How to think up new business ideas?
I am looking for a simple software to do my financial status check and a bit of forecasting. It is not for a business plan, I am looking for a replacement to my current spreadsheets which I...
Has anyone, on this forum, started a business on student visa (F1) in US?
Software patents are a hell hole in the US and we want to get out of it by operating (at least initially) in Europe. If a US company only operates in Europe (say this is a web app) would we still...
I am thinking about joining a startup and I have a question. I have been working on a side project for a couple months and I own it completely. This side project is internet related (so is the...
I was wondering if there is such a thing as "Pay Per Date Run"? - as opposed to Pay Per Click or Pay Per Impression. For example: paying for an ad to run on week 31 - August 1st to August 7th for x...
Is ethical for an employee quitting to start a similar business? What do you think?
My mother is reaching 55, and she raises ideas for start-ups every now and then. I am a software developer and I'm used to rapid prototyping, so I keep urging her to just go ahead a do it! I...
Can I give Google Analytics data from the API as a free gift feature to my customers that are paying for a monthly subscription service? Or would this be outside of Googles terms of service.
With the increasing number of social media websites, and businesses all over the world using social media for promoting and branding their products, will this over take the traditional way of...
Right now I'm in the process of bootstrapping a start-up, so I and my co-founder are working pretty long hours. My only source of new information seems to be Hacker News at the moment, but...
The startup I work for got asked by some potential clients to send them use cases. We are in the process of making one and I would like to ask the following questions about use-cases in general:...