I'm about to develop an interesting, from a functional perpective, extension for Chrome but got a lot doubts in terms of how to monetize it. I was wondering if it's ok from a legal perspective to...
How to say that a startup software company is getting profit? for example some said that if you have in bank account salaries and expenses for 3 months and running projects, this means you are...
Searching and reading about funding, I see a lot of people referring to different rounds of funding (related to a given stage the startup is at). Still, I can only find limited information on the...
Fanciful title really translates in simple English as this: We are (read I am ) a bootstrapped, cash strapped startup and I need to employ the services of outsite experts but want to a). minimise...
What is the number of monthly active users that a facebook app must have in order to make $1000/month. I know there is no clear answer, but some guidelines would be great
There are lots of business books and fields of study that provide advise on starting a new business. They do however seem to be a bit theoretical or vastly outdated. With this I am interested in...
My project/website is in the development phase, but I do have everything in mind (how it works from a - z). Besides creating a coming soon page with email subscription, is there anything else I can...
I've started an LLC in quarter 2, did some work and got paid. It was a great amount of fun! Now the terrible part. I need to pay taxes. I'm okay with that. I knew the day would come. But the...
If there is a co-founder with 20% equity in the company but no salary, what is his status in the company? Should he be considered an employee? What is the difference between a cofounder and an...
I am slowly starting to sell our software through resellers and distributors (one man shops all to way to major Software distributors.) Given my lack of experience, I am wondering what details...
I have been working for the past few years as a consultant doing mostly design/development. A good chunk of that time was spent upgrading and/or building out a product for a company that I will...
I believe to have a successful product / service, you need to fill a need that clients and customers have. My question is how do you find, spot, identify or realize a need is there?
Our company wants to use MySQL for one software product, and our product is not open-source. Is it legal to use it freely? If not, how about PostgreSQL? Is this okay for our purpose?
I've have been asked to head-up and manage a start-up LLC as the President/GM and sit on the board. I will have a base salary package and bonus plan; however, I've asked for an ownership stake in...
I'm the co-founder of a bootstrapping startup, and I have incentive to prefer short-term compensation, like deferred salary, instead of equity. Would it be reasonable to apply a multiplier to the...
In the planning stage of building an app with a monthly subscription element targeted to small business merchants having 1 - 10 retail venues. Looking for any advice on a go to market strategy to...
I'm thinking of offering 3 x $50 gift certificates for the first order received from each of the 52 states. The product's range in price from $69.00 to $139.00. Winner or loser?
I have an internet based business with no physical location and my business partners all live in different states. I want to incorporate and was thinking about doing it in Nevada or Delaware. The...
It seems like there can be incentive for founders to give away equity to incubators, seed investors and co-founders, and then drop the startup and build a new one doing a similar thing but keeping...
Who have you enjoyed reading about most? Which biography has provided the most insight and perspective into a brilliant founder's mind? I have really enjoyed Founders at Work, by the way - even...