I've used a variety of personality profiles to gain additional insights on job candidates, regarding work and communication styles, energy levels, focus, drive etc etc. I have used the DISC Online...
I was wondering when do entrepreneurs start the process of branding their startups? including figuring their brand personality, brand category and messaging/positioning?
I've been asked by a [very excellent] university to help them start an incubator that will work with faculty & students to build in-lab technologies into fundable start-ups. [Most everything...
In my town there appears to be no business using a technology called functional programming. Microsoft is including a new language for this in their next version of Visual Studio. I am thinking...
Background I'm not quitting my day job, but it would be fun to do some trading on the nights and weekends. My basic idea was to buy direct from manufacturer using sites like Alibaba.com and then...
I've a product/website in Family/Relationships segment and so far it attracts 80% women and 20% men. Mostly adults(age 25 to 55) actually pay for it. Younger users generally want it "free". I'm...
is Facebook Connect worth the efforts? any benefits in long term? are there any negative consequences like slow page loads and increased page download times etc? Update: Okay so I just tried...
Runaware allows users to demo desktop software via java applets or activex controls in a browser. Anyone know of any other competitors in this space? I've been asked to look into a way to do this...
Many say you need to launch fast and then decide whether your idea works or not and then fail fast if needed. But how do you decide when to fail ( fail = stop working on current idea and start...
Good Morning all, Just recently came across this site and have to be honest, this has me PUMPED! I am a computer / Network Support guy and have been seems like forever. I have always wanted to own...
For a website that involves video uploading what is the best way to find people to participate in a closed beta trial? how many people should I try and get to become testers? how should I ask...
There are two types of startups - those who try to get big quickly and then figure out a way to become profitable, and those who are profitable from the beginning, but grow much slower. The first...
I found that this forum is a very encouraging site for people that is building a startup. I can also see based on most of the questions, basically what people are looking for, are words of...
How much value is there in complimenting work done & praise? Vs monetary rewards? Vs awarding more autonomy, promotion? From my experience, when an employee expects a compliment but does not...
I've long been of the opinion that the core assets of a software company (e.g. source code and any system that touches it, continuous integration environments, internal wikis containing...
I've been researching for over a year now as an aspiring entrepreneur, but I am still fuzzy on how equity gets distributed at every stage of company growth. Is a set amount of "shares" created...
Blogs are an essential way to dissipate information about you and your products. But posting interesting posts as well as relevant to your domain is not easy. How do you entrepreneurs plan for...
It seems to me that encouraging innovation is extremely important for startups, but how do you reward it? If one employee contributes 10 good ideas that never get across the line, and another...
We're looking to hire our first employee and we want to make sure the employement and stock vesting stuff is all in order - we're in the UK so is it safe to assume that anything we read regarding...
What happens when you made a product for an industry that doesn't exist? I mean it sells, it makes revenue but the industry cannot be defined. Is this a bad sign or a good sign?