Flippa Questions

2 Votes
2 Answers
Buying a website on Flippa using someone else's capital?

I'm looking to buy a website on Flippa that is likely going to sell for $200K+.I don't have the resources to buy this website with my own money. What other ways can I "fund" buying this website?Is...

asked Aug 4 '14 at 20:41
Noah Bruggeman
14 points

2 Votes
1 Answers
Marketplaces to sell a site apart from Flippa?

Are there any good marketplaces to sell a high quality site which generates over $5,000 a month in revenue?Flippa seems to be the only one I've come across, but most of the sites listed on there...

asked Jun 15 '15 at 10:13
Eric Siler
12 points

2 Votes
3 Answers
Buying sites on Flippa: what key metrics should I know?

When buying websites on Flippa, what is the key information I should do due diligence on?Also, isn't it possible to fake Google Analytics traffic fairly easily? Not just by modifying a screenshot,...

asked Apr 13 '14 at 13:11
Kelly Harden
11 points

0 Votes
2 Answers
Would VCs consider a site sold on auction to be a proven founder?

I have sold a website of mine on Flippa for high five figures. Would that work in my favor when trying to raise money for a startup idea? Or is that too small to even matter and not worth mentioning?

asked Mar 5 '14 at 06:06
Carla Blair
30 points

0 Votes
1 Answers
What is due diligence when you are selling your business?

I am looking to sell a property of mine on Flippa and all potential buyers mention they would need to do due diligence.What things does someone acquiring your company check? Is there a list of...

asked Feb 28 '14 at 10:56
Brandee Dickson
10 points