I'm kind of in the dilemma of choosing between continuing with my startup or accepting a very well paid and intellectually motivating job offering from a multinational company who just opened a...
One of my friends is itching to leave a very well paying job in a big corp. and join a startup. But since startup's don't get enough visibility, finding the right start can be a challenge. Are...
Do you think this is too informal for an opening to a job posting: We are in need of a super-motivated pirate/ninja/rockstar/(insert more web 2.0 buzz words) marketing/bizdev guru to join our...
I currently run two 3rd-party poker related SaaS and will soon launch another. Both products are very specialized and niche but there is a large demand for both products within the community. My...
How would you compare a telecommuting (overseas) job at a startup (when everything at the startup be it the work, the environment, the people, etc looks exciting enough) with another job at the...
I was working for a large financial firms as Senior Technical Architect, spending almost 15 hours a day. I quit my job around 18 months back to start this startup and taking an underpaid/under...
First, it is not my intent to abuse the Q&A forum to hire people, I'm asking about what I've done wrong. I've removed my company name, details, and industry from the posting below. I'm a new...
I'm in the frustrating position of looking for a job after spending two years building a start-up that has faced terminal challenges. My problem is that my start-up had little to do with my prior...
For my startup (web 2 SaaS) I am looking for a good designer, probably with HTML/JavaScript skills. It seems this is pretty difficult - all good people have jobs. So I am thinking about remote...
Am considering startup company as about to graduate.
I've came across a job post for a software engineer position at a recent startup. The responsibility included pretty much everything that involves programming. I would be an employee, and will not...
I'm 16 years old and I want to start working somewhere on vacations, but to get employed to some interesting job I need a CV. What do you think I should place there ?
As a big Starbucks fan and avid traveller I have noticed a trend while travelling whether its from Toronto to Texas to California... All Starbucks employees seem to have a very similar personality...
Context: I started a SAAS based platform for small and medium sized companies around a year back. To save some time I intentionally took this underpaid job close to my home. I have successfully...
I'm a software developer in a East European country working for a tiny software firm with only few developers. Our owner is also our manager; he lives in the North America and makes arrangements...
I tried google but not very good results.. so I wanted to check with the folks here. Any advice is welcome..
This may be a vague question but i was always wondering this, of course i am not talking about spamming nor things like that but about genuine and reliable online job/work that can be done from...
We have a new product, which is targeted at wearers of eyeglasses. We sell quite nicely via our website, but we figured it was much more efficient to approach wearers of eyeglasses directly....by...
The key to the economic recovery is the creation of more jobs. Small business is viewed as the job creation engine and all small businesses were start ups at one point. Governments say they are...
So it looks inevitable now…the healthcare bill will probably be passed tonight. Without getting into the politics of it, how will this impact small businesses? How will this impact your company? Or...