In the beginning of our online retail shop, we always have many thinkings about how much profit will we make per item that we sell in our online shop. But by the time, after 2 years, we ran the...
My partner and I have started our own company a few months ago and things are going okay. One of the main problems we're facing is that we're having a hard time communicating the price of our...
Assume that you are a custom app seller. You get your customers, on all kind of opportunities like events, blind mails, viral marketing. When you are at the customer you present your...
I'm launching a new project/company, upon which we've decided on a name that we really like. We're planning to first target the UK, before expanding worldwide. Unfortunately (and annoyingly), the...
I'm a professional programmer. I've been asked to visit the owner of a small downtown clothing boutique because she wants a "web presence". Probably just a simple place holder web site with their...
I'm going to provide some service for media content management. I will use Ec2 instances for service hosting. So, what are reasonable margins to Ec2 prices? What guides exist for such a matter? I...
We are in talks with our first app-development client, who are first-time app-development customers and have done no research on custom app pricing or gotten other bids. It's been a bit of a...
I run a tiny startup that lets you organize and track info about your comic book collection. I would like to add price data to the comics in the database. I think this would be a great feature for...
Many customers call me or email me to ask me about my rate. They often ask, "What is the best rate?" After I tell them my rate, they don't contact me any more. They virtually disappear. How should...
We are webdesigners, and we sell websites, we are about to renew are website. Would you suggest to show some prices on our website or not? I mean stuff like like: "we sell 2/3 pages static website...
We currently do all our work with the hourly model, charging $X/hr. $X is the same for all types of work: graphic design, print layout, website design & development, SEO, etc. But, as we are...