What are some pros and cons of hiring full time employees onsite vs employing contractors on platforms like UpWork (ODesk)?Salary is one. In almost all cases remote workers are going to cost you...
What are the considerations as we consider employees that would work remotely? I'm particularly thinking about technical positions (programming, web site maintenance) that are remote due to...
This question might seem more negative than it is...I'm looking to travel the world and build my startup on-the-go. Would I need to pay income tax in any country if I don't stay in a country for...
How do you manage tracking daily goals for your team?Our team is a distributed (all 4 of us are in different states) so currently just send a group email at the end of each day stating what was...
It would save considerable overhead expenses on things like rent and health insurance in some cases (for those employees who are in other countries).What about VCs? Would they look upon such a...
With talented people being so hard to find, why do startups still struggle for months trying to hire someone in their city?
Now that my startup is starting to generate revenue, I'm going to hire a designer, a rails coder, and several SEO people to work remotely. I'll likely start on ODesk and if they are good, move the...
Are there many startups that have the necessary setup for internationally located employees to work remotely? Please provide examples of such companies or websites where such lists could be found....
I want to hire a few developers and support executive for my website. Being an start up, I want to hire them to work remotely to save office expenses but I don't know anything about hiring full...
I have a single-member LLC and do programming contract work for clients. My LLC is incorporated in North Carolina, where I used to live, but I am currently and for the foreseeable future living in...
I have a remote worker (He lives in South Africa, we are in Israel) in my team of 3, and I want to reward him for his awesome work. There is not enough budget to compensate him more but I still...
If you are asking your VA to do tasks that involve your credit card, bank information, and other personal information, you need someone trustworthy. How do you find a trustworthy VA?
Is it a viable idea to start a business without office space and relying on the possibility for employees to work from home? What should be considered as main factors a distributed team to be...