From your own startups experience, who was the one to manage the first developers hired? Why? And also was it a techy startup and how many founders you had / what their roles at the...
We're just getting started with scaling our business and one of the things we want to implement is a 4/1 work day. 4 days are spent working, and 1 day is for individual projects (just like Google's...
How do you manage tracking daily goals for your team?Our team is a distributed (all 4 of us are in different states) so currently just send a group email at the end of each day stating what was...
Background:A guy reached out to me to join his drone company. I have been fascinated with drones for some time now, I bought my own and I have been toying with the idea of a drone business...
What are the top factors that investors look for in a team? Do they only look at the team as a whole or do they also require the CEO to have certain credentials or background?
What type of team composition (# of people, skill sets) would be most ideal? Both in terms of skills needed to execute and to raise money.
Now that my startup is starting to generate revenue, I'm going to hire a designer, a rails coder, and several SEO people to work remotely. I'll likely start on ODesk and if they are good, move the...
I am working on a hardware-software combo B2B startup in Seattle. We've only been around for 2 weeks on a part-time basis. We are two somewhat experienced software/web devs. Together we secured a...
We have successfully grow our company beyond the startup phase to the expansion phase. now, we're acquiring clients very fast and we need to swiftly and consistently train new members of our...
We have two different spaces in our office. one, in front of our building, contains our call centre, in the back we have our software development team. Our call centre team seems to like a serious...
Founding my business included a lot of desperation and hard work. Neither do or did I have the social support that was and is necessary to endure tough times. A lot of people recommend working...
It's widespread among (mostly web development) non-huge companies to add a page about the team members of their company, like SE's Team page here, where they have separate page for their team, or...
I have worked with several developers who are very "hot and cold" in terms of their motivation. Sometimes they will slack off for weeks on a project and make zero progress, and other times they go...
I'm currently managing 5 member (whom are also my friends) software development team for my startup and instead of looking for an angel investor I decided to finance my own product by my own. And...
I am about creating a spin-off from University. I will quit my job later even. I talked with all my colleagues and they like the idea and support it. My experience with them in academic projects is...
I'll try to keep this as brief as I can. Recently I have taken up a position within a big agency where I am responsible for an 'innovation cell'. People can voluntarily join this cell and they get...
Interesting story. I'm 15 years old. Im planning on launching a start up. Now obviously, there are concerns that I have, not necessarily about the performance of future employees, but my...
We are considering tracking sales in our business and within the company publicly displaying the performance of the team and each member. What are good ways to implement this and is such a...
We are planning for a software startup and following is our setup. There are 4 people who came up with idea. But these people can NOT code and build a product. These 4 people are also going to...