I have about 2000 users of my first product. When they bought (over the past 3 years), I didn't have any checkbox on my order page asking if they wanted to receive notifications or updates from my...
My startup company has put together a group of friends and family investors who will be investing in the form of a convertible note. I've done quite a bit of research on convertible notes, but am...
I'm leaving an extremely well paying job, one that I'm even fairly happy with, for a startup that I think will do really well. It's been a difficult choice because I have a family and a mortgage....
Both of those examples don't charge anything, and don't have ads on their wedsite/app. Both of them have (to the best of my knowledge) gotten hugh amounts of money in funding rounds. How exactly...
I am a founder of a startup with 10% shares. We are in the stage of Series A financing. The valuation of the VC is pretty low according to me. Also the option pool that VC is demanding from us...
As some of my earlier questions point out, I'm a web design enthusiast and am hard at work to launch a small company, myself being the single employee. I had a simple question: how do I charge my...
Working full time, and working freelance projects, makes me have limited time to develop my web startup. It's been a year, and it's not done yet. Not done means it's not completely usable yet....
I have an idea of a social web-app and am seriously consider to have my own startup on that. So I would like to ask, what are the major expenses of running a web-site? Specifically, what are the...
When starting a On line Retail store that uses drop-shipping services, will I still need to choose a market segment? Or can I just market and sell to anyone all over the world. I mean the...
I'm going to take credit cards over the phone/fax. That means I need some kind of virtual terminal. I contacted my bank (Bank of America) and got following quote: Set up: $130.00 Monthly:...
I would like to find out the monthly unique traffic for a subdomain.
I am launching some SaaS later next week that will be directly competing with someone who has a monopoly in the space. We will (hopefully) be cheaper, more features, better support and more...
Can someone point me to some examples of how to handle depreciation in QuickBooks (2009)? To give an example, I buy a computer for $2000 in 2009. I choose "Equipment" as category. I duly report my...
I am looking to start a service business that has very low barriers to entry and I am concerned with competition. Has anyone had a similar problem or concern? If so, what have you done to overcome...
I'm the sole founder of a startup and I've incorporated a delaware c-corp, but have not yet issued any shares. I'm putting all that legal stuff off so I can focus on product development. Plan is to...
It has been very challenging to find a programmer to work with. I currently do not have the funds to hire a developer as the funds have been used for legal expenses and to create a working site....
Question: Can a lazy entrepreneur/perfectionist make it? I am 50, single, and after 15 years have built a very nice sole prop web design business. I became more disciplined last year and might...
I am having a lot of anxiety and fear when thinking about quitting my high paying job to join a startup that has a lot of potential. I have great hours, an excellent management team, and rewarding...
Do all s corps require you to have shares, board of directors and annual meetings. I work for a very small software development firm (right passed a start-up, we actually have good stable income)...
So we launched our website almost exactly one and a half months ago. We have about 900 unique visitors in that time. Not nearly as many as we all would have hoped, but hey, it's still early, and we...