I am about to put together a investor presentation for my company. I will be presenting to investors individually.The investors are going to be pitched to within a short amount of time. Should I...
Here is the scenario: I am the ceo/founder of a company that will be launching a website/application. The amount of cash I have invested thus far is less than 3,000. I am currently seeking...
My app is out there... after 100 hours of hard work... I hardly find any people downloading it forget about using it. Honestly, I find marketing stuff pretty boring and dont really get motivated to...
I've been blogging for a while now and I would like to establish my blog as a business (LLC). I heard that its the best license that suits a blog business. Any suggestions as to where I can get...
Myself and a friend would like to start a new company. I will be doing development work and my friend will invest money. Our company isn't yet registered, but my friend would like to transfer a...
Say one person comes up with the idea for a startup, and spends a significant amount of time over 2 years developing the business plan. That person then asks others to join the startup as...
I want to start a business selling food items, such as green teas. How can I go about building a website for it? I have no prior experience with selling items or building a website. I am motivated...
I have a software product I developed completely on my own over the span of many months. I spent a lot of time marketing, and redeveloping the application. The application is now a top downloaded...
My partner and I want to open a franchise restaurant. I primarily want to incorporate to protect against random lawsuits. We haven't decided between fully funding ourselves or seeking investors. If...
Im involved in a start up and I fear that at some point in the future my co-founder is going to screw me out my position or shares. What protections can I setup and what should I do avoid this from...
I would like to know if I can use the thumb from Facebook for commercial use? I've seen it on a stamp (http://gizmodo.com/5561499/we-really-like-the-facebook-like-button-rubber-stamp), but is that...
We're in the process of designing a web application and discovered a patent that lays claim to many basic web technologies that we are planning to use (like passing simulation data from a server to...
I've been part of a startup that has so far done nothing or gone anywhere in almost a year. I have pretty much given up on the place but I am curious if I can walk out with an game pitch I created....
I have a new bootstrapped web service that targets consumers. It has a free trial offer. The visit to trial conversion is respectable, ranging from 10% to 15% on 300 samples. However, my conversion...
I am experienced in my field (Software Engineering) but its mostly as a worker. This means that I can handle the work and can get it done from workers but I don't exactly know how to market my...
My friend and I are starting an online business to sell environmentally friendly diapers. We are both middle aged women. She has kids, I don't and our husbands work for the city. We have some...
I am running a start-up business in Denmark. Denmark is not a part of the Euro, but the currency has been pegged to the Euro for many years. I believe that there is a significant risk of a collapse...
I recently participated on a team with a developer at a hackathon. The person has their own freelance business, so unlikely to join fulltime later. They expressed interest in helping with my...
How can an employer find out if an employee has been fired or left on good terms from a previous job at a large company?
I'm looking to purchase a template contract for delivering fixed scope/price software development projects, dealing with IP issues and everything else that needs to be taken into consideration. I...