What are some ways to utilize LinkedIn to grow your Saas sales? In terms of social media, everyone seems to be fixated on Twitter and Facebook, even though they are likely not the right channel for...
I have an opportunity to purchase a company. We're still working on the purchase price, but let's assume $100K for purposes of discussion. I do not have $100K. I would need to find an investor to...
With talented people being so hard to find, why do startups still struggle for months trying to hire someone in their city?
What should be the next steps in specific order to take after creating your minimum viable product?
What kind of day to day tasks does a CTO deal with at a seed-funded startup (seed, not series A) that has ~4 software engineers? I'm looking to apply for such positions on AngelList and curious...
When I Google my own name, all my social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc) show up before my personal blog. What can I do to ensure my Blog gets listed before the social...
I have been looking for a Project Management system to support collaboration across three partners in two locations for our startup. I'm specifically looking for perspective on the Basecamp and...
Can you provide some examples of apps that have a great onboarding user experience? One where they walk a random visitor through signing up and setting up aspects of the account, etc.Pinterest is...
As entrepreneurs, we rarely wear one hat to be able to say "I'm a web developer". If you are a solo entrepreneur who makes a living on the internet, how do you explain what you do for a living at...
What title should you represent yourself with when you're a one-man show?
I'm a solo founder bootstrapping my startup for the last 1-2 months and feel completely burnt out. I work 10+ hours each day since my capital is limited to get the business off the ground.What do...
I'm a non-technical founder who is going to be using contractors on ODesk to build the MVP. How do I decide on which technologies to pick?- PHP andMySQL- Rails and PostGres- Node.jsEtc.How you...
Bootstrap as in (http://getbootstrap.com/). It seems to me that lately every tech startup I see on TechCrunch has an awesome landing page built in Bootstrap. The "design language" is mostly the...
What are the most often occurring things that developers do due to which they don't get hired?
I have a free trivia app that I launched about three years ago, which generates about $90K in revenue each year. My costs are very little and most of it is profit. The only real cost is my time to...
I'm a solo founder who wants to hire the first three employees. I decided to wait until my revenues would support hiring three people because just hiring one person would have felt a little awkward...
What are some ways to execute on a massive, overwhelming task (like marketing, for example) when you are a solo founder with no employees and no resources?
Which one of these should startups focus on for the most impact: SEO Content marketing Branding Social media marketing The biggest downside of focusing on SEO first is that almost every month...
I am building my startup from home by myself with a remote virtual assistant on ODesk. It's hard sometimes not to procrastinate and end up on Reddit or Hacker news. How do you keep your focus when...
I'm hiring a software engineer and have gotten a boat load of resumes. I can easily rule out the obvious ones based on geography (since I can't afford to pay someone to relocate).What are some...