Possible Duplicate: Forming a new software startup, how do I allocate ownership fairly? I just want to say that I've read a lot of threads regarding this subject, including the most popular one...
I'm NOT seeking investment (legally stated for now), but I've pitched my business/goals to a few angels just for practice. The business is in data processing and is very procedural. As such, the...
A couple people at my place of work (small-medium company with < 100 employees) are starting up a lottery pool, and it got me wondering about what would happen if they won. So my question is...
i currently own a domain name in the name of an LLC. ideally, we'd like to license subdomains (e.g., productA.example.com, productB.example.com) to developers to develop applications that generally...
Appears the largest difference difference a "new business" and a "startup" is the entities relationship to markets, the research of them, and as a result, the engagement of a market via some...
I've seen a number of questions related to finding a startup lawyer, while I've personally met a number of "startup lawyers", each where more just lawyers with domain experience, and don't believe...
I'm a professional programmer. I've been asked to visit the owner of a small downtown clothing boutique because she wants a "web presence". Probably just a simple place holder web site with their...
I am a purchasing agent for foreign companies. My clients find me on the Internet. I provide services so my clients pay me my service charge. They don't personally know me before they contact me. I...
The copyright/TOS issues that Pinterest was/is facing got me thinking about the viability of my own startup considering all the content for my site is socially-generated and requires copyright...
I am planning at a new startup and would like to a-b-test several elements (such as the brand name / logo / sales pitch) before the actual product launch. Ideally, I would love to pay a service...
We are looking at hiring our first sales person (who is not one of the partners) so that we (the partners) can focus on building the business instead of Lead Generation/Qualification. The question...
I'm just starting my business, I have an idea for a game that I think will be very popular. Trouble is, I can't decide on a good name for it that fits and is memorable. So I want to do some market...
I'm in the process of closing a somewhat sizable deal with a new client, and the only sticking point with the contract is the choice of jurisdiction. I am located in state A, the client in state...
I seem to struggle at one thing, being all over the place. I believe I have good entrepreneurial mindset and wondering if I am doing it all wrong. My aim is to quit the corporate job and run my own...
Suppose a company (C-Corp, Delaware) with 5 co-founders, each having 20% of the shares. Then an investor wants 30% of the company, which will leave each co-founder diluted to 14%. Besides...
We have a product which we would like to market using LinkedIn. Now I have a group of contacts(1'st connections) in LinkedIn who are our prospects. But I have never interacted with them. My...
I am going to acquire a non-exclusive license from an American individual for a software. This software will be used as an integral part in my retail software which is under my own copyright. We...
I created a few applications. One of them is very good and users like it. However, I can not increase the number of installations to more than 50 per day. It is very small. The program is unique,...
I am a U.S. citizen working in Canada on a work visa. A small team and I have been working on a startup in our free time up here in the great north, so we're primarily based out of Canada. However,...
Companies that have $10 million in assets and 500 shareholders of record are currently required to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and are thus subject, among other...