I'm looking for a good solution for a cloud-based project management software for startups. I really like 37 Signals "Basecamp", but cannot justify the monthly fee at this moment with all the...
I am an American setting up a U.S. based subsidiary office for a small Eastern European company. What are the methods I can get paid assuming the company does not have capital for straight salary...
It's been 3+ years of service. No problems, great relationship. However, I need to increase the rate at which I bill as well as to tell them that I am no longer going to provide service for...
Possible Duplicate: Forming a new software startup, how do I allocate ownership fairly? I would be the sole on-site tech person, along with being 'tech-co-founder' There are two...
What are some good questions to ask when hiring a business/startup lawyer? Also, other than asking these questions in person, what are some sources (online or offline) where we can do more...
So let's make an example story: I'm the founder and the only developer of a web startup. Currently there is no one else other than me in the company. I've added a sales guy, wishing to give him...
I have been building a bootstrapped SaaS business for the better part of a year working late into the night most nights per week. I have never spent anything aside from my own time and a few...
I was working for a large financial firms as Senior Technical Architect, spending almost 15 hours a day. I quit my job around 18 months back to start this startup and taking an underpaid/under...
I am trying to raise seed capital for my next venture and have a quick question regarding salary. There are two founders involved and both will work full-time, suppose if I mark the salary of each...
One feature of my new web app is the evaluation and ranking of clients (it's aimed at small service providers). At the moment I have the following criteria: Size of billing Payment speed Amount...
My product solves a known problem for a specific industry and I am wondering how best to sell this. Eventhough it is a SAAS based product, our leads won't come online to search for this type of...
I have the following skillset: xhtml, js, jquery, css, php, C#, asp.net, mysql, oracle, etc. I would be the tech. co-founder of a startup with 2 other co-founder (business end) and be the sole...
I just wondering, do you have mentors when doing startup? And how do you find them? I read a book titled "One Minute Entrepreneurship", it said that a person won't offer to be our mentor, but we...
I am curious, is it possible to get funding from investor before doing any sale? Any experience?
I have an online store which sells baby products. Thankfully, some customers have already bought my products, although my startup is just 2 months old. One of my plans is to make my customers come...
I'm not looking for a digital wallet, but rather a service with an API that we could use to let people who use our app make payments to others using our app (iOS/Android) Does this service exist yet?
I have developed a tool, and I have gotten a great response from it. I have 400+ registered users and 15 paid users without any ads and stuff. Paid users pay $5.99/month to use this tool. Now I...
Being in the last stages of completing the development of a video based social network, my partners and I have interviewed a few internet marketing specialists for promoting us. After receiving...
I've made this clear in some of my other questions, but for the sake of getting a more diverse viewpoint I'm asking a separate question. I'm 14 years old, but really passionate about web design. I...
I'm working on a new venture with a friend of mine, and we set to meet as many potential customers as possible before writing even a single line of code. We've met with 2 customers and both of...