I am currently working for a company and I'm on an H1B. I know that I cannot accept compensation from any other employer but the company that filed for my visa. What if another company grants me...
My biz partner and I split up (not amicably) a couple of months ago, and he left my bootstrapped startup business. When he left, his total equity in the company was vested up to 20%. I own the...
i just wanted your advice on the following correspondence from a prospect (see below- i have removed a few references). I want to look at this as an opportunity and try to turn the negative...
I'm an entrepreneur and programmer stuck in a pretty tricky situation. So here's the situation: A couple friends and I decided to create an internet startup (website and iOS Application) in hopes...
I am developing a SaaS platform by bootstrapping with sweat equity while covering the bills with a full time job. I am probably 2-3 months away from launching a viable public beta, and to this...
I own a website and I sell digital content. I'm a non-resident alien with the US. Most of my customers are US based so I was wondering... Will I have to pay any taxes to the US? I have read that...
I hope this is not the wrong forum for this question, but I can't find one in the Stack Exchange "family" that would be more appropriate. I have ideas for two web sites which I think will be quite...
About a year ago I started working with a remote subcontractor, who has done some really great work for me since then. It is an ongoing project, and he has been very responsive and easy to work...
We are about to launch an interstitial ad network for our country. Our startup is similar to companies like adfly and linkbuck. We need suggestions on how to properly launch our company. We are a...
I have a hobby/side project which I am quite serious about. I have been working on it for about ½ year, but have figured out I needed more people on board for it to become a success. I have found a...
To those who are currently running a similar business model or who has experience, can you advice what are the crucial parts In running this kind of business? I've been freelancing as a web...
I need to test the market to determine how many people are interested in subscribing to my site. The niche is related to "web design" and "themes". I would like to know if the project I'm planning...
I am working on a number of mobile apps, each one very different from the other. I want to apply to Bizpark, but I heard that investors don't like the idea of someone working on multiple different...
I want start a business around selling baby related items to moms and dads. I have quite a number of friends who are going to get married/are going to have a baby/already have a baby. So I already...
We are in the process of launching a tech startup. I wonder if there's a good way to form a good organizational structure. I came up with the following, but I don't know if it sounds professional...
Can an LLC hire an employee from another country? The LLC will be registered in Germany, and I want to hire someone from an Asian country. I have Googled this, but have not found any links related...
I have an idea how I want my new product to look and really good market gap. I can do a quick design in Google Sketchup and I will send my design to someone who can make it in a professional form...
I've been offered 20% of the profit of a new startup if I build the website (which is essential to the business). What types of things should I look for in the agreement that is to be drawn up?
Should I form a parent company to keep it simple with administrative and taxes? One business is an online retailer, another is a niche sports studio, and another is a media agency. My train of...
I actually have a very nice idea in IT field. It is a large online game which is easy to monetize in case of popularity. I am also a programmer myself so I generally know how to start with my idea....