I am working on launching an online product site and registering it as an LLC in Delaware. I am a non-US resident and will get the company registered through LegalZoom.com or Incorporate.com. It...
I can't seem to find any exact language on using a company's copyrighted logos on a website. I am going to make a website for a business who distributes products related to a large soda company....
I have been asked by a friend to help him talk to investors about a business idea he has and to help him get funded. I asked him what would I get out of the deal and he offered interest in the...
I am looking at developing a website sort of like ones that NY-area commuter railroads have, showing train departure times and tracks. One major transit hub near me has no central location for this...
It’s your premier product/service launch, and a colleague (not a VC) invests money/time in it—do they get to put their company’s name on it too? Whereas I think it might make sense when it’s an...
I have an idea for a software product. But I'm not technically strong in the theory of Algorithms, Databases and stuff. i.e. I can manage to write code that works, but I don't know if it would...
I'm making a prelaunch page for my start-up. I have my page designed, but now I need an affordable or maybe even free way to email all the subscribers who input their email to receive...
What exactly is a legal entity? I am trying to form a sole-proprietorship company in the state of California. Is this considered a legal entity? How can I set up the name for this company, other...
My question is a bit different, actually. I am a 18 years old who owns a single member llc since last july. The llc had been not making a penny but loosing money for the last months and I expect...
I run a business by myself as an HTML/CSS designer. I also do the graphics, the back-end, and customize scripts to fit my clients needs. I also have to draft contracts, keep track of accounts...
I have been working on a project for a little over a year. This project was my partners idea, and we agreed to a percentage of the stake when it gets done. (he gets the majority) Originally, the...
Lets say you have just graduated from uni/college and you have a wonderful idea which you think you wanted to do. You know programming but you don't know the relevant skills to make it happen {...
Upon what criteria should I price an online product? Since I am going to design an E-Commerce website like countryreports.org, I am not sure how to price the individual packs that I am going to...
I'm considering starting a company with a few friends. Each of us are single guys. We're wondering, is it legal or common for a company to require other owners to sign a prenup in the event they...
I have bootstrapped a startup and am at the stage where I need salespeople who can go out and acquire some customers. Online marketing doesn't seem to be helping since my startup is a B2B focusing...
I am an American with (a bit of) a marketing background, though currently I live in Minsk, Belarus. I recently met the CEO of a very tiny Software Development start-up, and we developed a friendly...
At our startup we have a software on premise business. We offer a system, for about 20k. The client needs support for the system for 3 years, that includes to fix it if it fails no matter how many...
I live in a country, Australia, where I can get upwards of 5% interest per annum on cash deposits held in a bank account. Having parents-in-law who live in a country, Japan, that offers about 0.02%...
My question concerns a new business: I belong to a team or software developers. Up until now, we've each done our "own thing", as self-employed workers. Altogether, our business takes place in the...
I would like to have a clarification over this case: http://www.genomeweb.com/illumina-creates-poison-pill-response-roche-bid Does this mean that if anybody buys shares today, they will be able to...