My partner and I have developed a product that is focused on a very narrow industry vertical, and which fills a very specific need. In the grand scale of software, this particular type of software...
I have been working at this non-stop for almost a year now, and I can't come up with any names that aren't taken. At this point, I am exhausted. Does anyone have any ideas for thinking of a name?
I am developing an Android app at the university where I am getting my PhD. I am also the lead developer for a startup company. Since I am developing both Android apps, there is some crossover in...
I have registered a state trade mark for products I am selling in Hawaii. I am also starting to sell them over the internet on the mainland (mail order) so I am wondering if this gives me national...
So, just as the title states, is it worth it? I've seen a lot of newer services try this model, including Google+, Spotify, etc. but I'm not sure if it really created enough value for the services....
I'm in the process of registering a company for my start up. I've been developing the concept 60 hours a week for the past 6 months. I've attracted the interest of a high profile UX academic that...
Would-be start-up's pitching to VCs (at least, on Dragons Den) need to offer a % of their business, in exchange for an agreed amount of up-front capital & (sometimes) a bit of business...
SCENARIO I'm an early employee in a startup and 100% vested. I've been in the company long enough to start thinking about my next career step (MBA maybe), but I do wish it the best of success and...
I have an idea for a vertical market application. Although I have the skills to create the application, and have some business experience, I really don't know generally how to proceed. There are a...
It's getting a little difficult to come up with a domain name for a new idea I have. Most of the good names are either taken or parked. Is there a site I can use to get ideas for my domain names...
Do you think this is too informal for an opening to a job posting: We are in need of a super-motivated pirate/ninja/rockstar/(insert more web 2.0 buzz words) marketing/bizdev guru to join our...
Similar to this question: Amount of vesting equity for #3-#4 employee? But it seems to discuss what equity paid developers should expect. If I am a developer that is unpaid, what would be a...
I know there are other products out there similar to the one my partner and I are working on. We are a new start up and want to be sure that we don't get into any trouble in the future by stepping...
I was discussing doing some work for shares in a startup when the owner mentioned something interesting. Basically I would be given X shares for my work and with the current number of stock that...
Is it possible to estimate the cost of acquiring 1 million users for an app similar to tweetdeck, but with different, unique features? Thank you in advance. Awni H.
I know the line is blurred between front end and back end developers, but at what point (most of the time) does my project go from MAYBE requiring a back end developer, to definitely needing one....
Great site! I need help. I am a heavy smoker. Few months ago I invented 3 vaporization devices, made prototypes and started vaporizing instead of smoking. I use the devices vaporize tobacco in...
My entire design is done, and now it's time to get it marked up. What is the best way to communicate with the developer which links lead to where, and certain processes etc. Should I just give them...
What is the best way to accept payments in a mobile web application? Am I pretty much stuck with Paypal or Google Checkout, and having them take 30 cents for every transaction?
I have just finished my wireframe, and am about to contact designers to get some mockups done. My wireframe is about 20 pages in total, yet only 5 or 6 of the pages are significantly different from...