My scenario: I currently reside in CA. However, I will be locating to the state of Washington by the end of 2012. I (no other employees) am starting a 100% online service-based company, which will...
It appears that in order to raise angel investor financing for my first-of-it's-kind product startup ($500K+ minimum) I will have to give up the whole dream within a few years in an exit...
I am a software engineer, blogger, marketer and upcoming entrepreneur. I just programmed an app to help corporate sites in marketing. I did all that alone, launched it and started getting clients....
Alright, I have a pretty clear understanding of how to split equity for real startups, but how to do it for a smaller project (an app), with little acquisition potential (just profits), and a team...
Is it mainstream knowledge that clicking on the logo will take you to the homepage? Or is having a dedicated link / button called "Home" better from a user experience standpoint?
You have a product alpha. How do you discover who are the customers for your product?
I'm not formally educated in finance but I want to learn it so I can start my business, what resources would you recommend?
We recently launched our word of mouth advertising startup, We want to rapidly grow our user base to mature our system. But it takes lots of time/effort to sign new users. So, my...
So we are creating a new Android App. We'll have a name for it, and a logo, and the specific functionality of the app is something that hasn't been done before (we searched). The app is going to be...
We're looking into building a site that would facilitate receiving payments online for places that do no have this capability. There's more to the site than receiving payments, it also makes sure...
I've been running a software startup for the last year - basically the business model is that I customize the software products released under GPL for my end customers. These customizations are...
What would be the best way to collect usage metrics of a SaaS software? I want to collect something like logins, clicks and time spent in my software. Are there existing services out there that...
I want to develop a prototype to demonstrate to investors my idea in a practical way, hopefully securing funding to develop a full working product. My concern (however unfounded) is how I can stop...
I am likely to launch a webinar series with some partner companies that is targeted at individuals. Initially we might be as small as 50 - 100 attendees at first but it has the potential to be...
I'm Canadian and living in Canada and I have a professional friend who is American and living in the States. He and I want to start a call center. The operation will be centered around him for...
If I were to take my camera and take pictures of shows playing on my television, do I have the legal right to use those photographs online?I'm building an entertainment blog around this concept.
If there are two competitors, both offering the exact same solution. The only difference is that one is a normal software that the user installs on their computer, while the other is a web based...
I am at a startup and we are looking to bring on board a two interns. One is marketing and the other iPhone Development. Looking for templates or website to help create a mentoring and training...
Ok, so I've got (yet another) idea for a startup, which I think is pretty good. The innovative and most expensive part of it might just not be possible but the project could fallback to a good...
I have asked a few fledgling tech startups about what they wish they didn't have to spend as much time on. The answer is almost invariably 'not coding' and 'context shifts' as exemplified by...