I am about to embark on raising money. I am reasonably sure that I have constructed an accurate but very conservative 5 year plan. If the cash flows are to be believed, I will now have to pin a...
I am leaving a partnership, and trying to determine my share so I can sign off. The partnership was 80%/20%, with the 20% going to me. I am the programmer, he is the idea owner. My partner...
After two years of development, our start-up is pre-beta and in an incubator. We have the chance to pitch on This Week in Startups, but I am concerned about too much publicity from potential...
I currently host an online group that meets once a month for dinner. We recently began hosting small private events that required a minimal cover charge at the door to cover the rental fee of the...
Are there any good marketplaces to sell a high quality site which generates over $5,000 a month in revenue?Flippa seems to be the only one I've come across, but most of the sites listed on there...
When approaching knowledgeable people to become advisors for a startup should you offer compensation? Do advisors expect compensation other than recognition? If so, how would you approach this? If...
Has anyone come across any research or has had experience with just how much more damaging to product/site adoption it is to have ads like AdSense on your site versus not having them? Any...
I recently started http://www.weekendhacker.net in which one of the ideas is to allow designers and developers to barter deals between them. Currently I am referring them to http://foundrs.com/...
I'm looking for a good solution for a cloud-based project management software for startups. I really like 37 Signals "Basecamp", but cannot justify the monthly fee at this moment with all the...
I am looking for an analytics tool à la Google keyword but for Facebook. I'd like to find info about how many people search for X and Y in Facebook search field. Is there anything like Google...
If the company is liquidated and options are in the money, what are the mechanics of obtaining stock? Who receives the exercise price that is paid? If this exercise amount is received by the...
TL;DR: Worked a year+ on code we still own, founder refuses to raise capital (wants to bootstrap) and is now low-balling us, we're willing to walk away--what would you do? Long version (detailed...
I am starting a service for trade show exhibitors and had this question. It would be too expensive, and wouldn't make sense to go to numerous trade shows as an exhibitor, just to approach others...
I am working on a web project to provide tutoring and consulting to the USA student online. for this kind of startup, do I need to register company in India before provide any such paid...
What are the common overhead costs associated with full time employees?I've heard that if a developer's salary is $100K, he actually costs the company $150K.I can't see where all the expenses would...
What are your thoughts on this idea:People who create Kickstarter campaigns sometimes need a dummy prototype (looks like the final product, but isn't functional).Would there be a market for this? I...
I have been doing startups for the last 6 years and have had mostly failures, and a single success. I was able to sell the one startup that succeeded for about a year's salary that I would get...
A PAD file is a file that describes your application and your business. You can host it on your website and submit it (example ) to download sites and software directories that can then index and...
We are a startup building 3 social media apps. We have managed to attract two investors to two of our apps. The problem is we were pitching it to them as stand alone products and not under one...
High end designers try their hardest to keep their wares out of bargain shops (i.e. you won't see Hermes at TJ Maxx). I don't see how Gilt convinced the fashion world to allow them to sell the high...