We'd like to startup a company that is seen as a UK company and be governed by UK laws, including Privacy laws. However, all of our operations, management and control will reside in Canada at least...
I have a site I am launching within the next couple of weeks. The site will be providing a service to connect people locally within there region (city,state etc..). The question is, should I...
I looking to build a niche CNET type of site. My niche is reviewing fitness products like FitBit. How can I get companies to provide me a review unit? I would return it back after testing it out...
Instead of a monthly subscription, anyone can use the site but advance functions require credits/micropayments. For example, Basecamp - if you add more people its $2 per month per person. if you...
I'm a generalist trying to do more specialized freelancing and finding it very difficult. I have a few ideas for niche markets to target but I can't tell which one would be the most viable. I'm...
I am looking to form a corporation in the state of New Hampshire, USA. I understand that a company may register a trade name with the state. As I understand it, all companies require a legal...
Where can you find the most comprehensive excel business case for startups? This questions is more specific than what it looks. I have been looking for a detail business case excel template for a...
I'm interested in setting up a business to help people (I'm thinking mostly self-employed professionals) deal with clients who don't pay. The plan is to have two strands: (1) buying bad debt of...
I have some ideas for a social network and really want to start a company. But I don't know how to program. Should I learn or just find a technical partner? I know founders of tech giants like...
Our business accepts payments via credit cards (Google Checkout + PayPal) and also via PayPal directly. We've had several requests from companies in India, stating that they cannot pay with a...
I have recently been employed as a consultant doing software development for a company based in California (for around $100K). I am a US citizen and I am thinking of incorporating, mainly for the...
Our startup currently has 5 founders, we're still in the process of seeking seed funding but we have all been working for sweat equity for the past 12 months, some founders have worked longer for...
I'm developing an app for android, I found an icon that I would like to use, the icon is licensed under the CC Attribution 3.0 Unported license, which says that I can freely use it for commercial...
My brother had an idea for a business and asked me to be his partner. His idea was for me to have 20% ownership and he has 80%. He is going to fund the business (at most $20,000) and believes that...
I'm an informal advisor to a non-tech startup that is putting together a formal board of advisors. Could I please have some feedback on a suggested approach to luring another advisor, who I think...
Here is a podcast I found useful early on. It walks through some basics and you can listen in your own time: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCastCustomAds.jsp?masterId=13431&cmd=tc...
From an investor point of view, the cliche is "investor prefers type A management team with a type B product rather than the reverse". A startup cannot afford CFO, CEO. Founder has to roll up the...
My wife and I have a name and concept for an e-commerce website. Do we need to incorporate? We're basically going to be selling things that people can download and print. I know that one of the...
I am creating a medical device startup and I have some issues determining how to split up the various roles and responsibilities of founders, among other problems. My brother, a friend/partner, and...
If after doing the necessary credit checks, after loaning someone some money, they don't pay it back after a period (how long would this need to be?) is there a way I can indemnify my business...