Are there any studies that show the effectiveness (or the opposite) of ads placed on cars (wraps, magnets, stickers)?
I've been told that Android users are less prone to download paid apps compared with iPhone/iOS users. Is this true? I haven't yet researched this matter or found any useful statistics but since...
Co-founder performance in the startup has dropped. He clearly has other priorities in his professional life, like other startups, and he doesn't want to give up his 30% shares. The only written...
We're an enterprise services company and while there are no rules, everyone just automatically prefers to be dressed "old school".This has created a problem for us to attract designers in the bay...
I'm curious if any of you calculate 'loaded' labor costs for use in ROI calculations, and what multiplier you use vs the salary. The 'loaded labor' cost attempts to reflect the true cost of a...
I currently live in South Africa, but I am an Australian citizen. I am planning to relocate to the UK for 2 years and then Ireland indefinitely. I am building an online business to market a product...
Imagine that I want to launch my web site or other product in six months. It's too much work for one person - perhaps it will need four to eight people. Let's also imagine that I have a good but...
I'm in a field with several hundred competitors, a few big, some medium, but most are small ISVs. Are there any tools out there that will help estimate how my competitors are doing in terms of...
My startup company has put together a group of friends and family investors who will be investing in the form of a convertible note. I've done quite a bit of research on convertible notes, but am...
Our Startup company developed a web application for Data Analysis in Marketing. It's a B2B product that is innovative and complex. Although the app is very simple to use, the elaboration of the...
I'm currently the de facto right hand person of the CTO of a small company. Our tasks include: Working on important projects and towards important deadlines (we're the most technical/experienced...
I've been developing a test plan / test case management tool and am nearing the point where I will release version 1.0. Can anyone point me to any online communities of software testing / quality...
I can't concentrate on a startup, other than 2-3 hours a day because I have to work to make a living. In practice, an idea will take me 3 years to implement at this pace which makes it meaningless...
I am considering starting presales of a product. Since money may be coming in I wanted a business bank account so if I am ever sued for any reason I'll only lose what I put in the business and not...
Assume we have a limited advertisement budget that we are currently spreading it across 30 countries. Is it valid to think that by putting it all on a single country (e.g Italy) there is an...
I am a member of an LLC along with two others. We each own 33% of the company and have invested very little. One of the three members has expressed interest in cashing out, severing all ties to...
We've got a software product going into alpha release and want to invite some super users to test and give feedback. I wonder if there's any sort of steps we should be taking to prevent the issue...
First question and this is on behalf of a friend of mine. I'm a student developer, so I was hoping someone around here could provide some tangible insight. My friend is not new to starting a...
First about my background: I have been programming and consulting for 15 years, with expertise in C#,, t-sql, Pl/sql, JavaScript, and to a lesser degree Java, Python, NodeJs etc... I would...
There is a small percentage of users on my site that signup for the free trial using disposable email addressed like Mailinator, etc. How can I prevent them from doing so? Are there any negative...