I'm currently a purely technical founder who is working on a SaaS application.What kind of skills should I also be learning on the side to become a better solo founder and make my startup a...
What are the top factors that investors look for in a team? Do they only look at the team as a whole or do they also require the CEO to have certain credentials or background?
What techniques to improve your public speaking skills are the fastest to implement? I will be pitching our business to a few VCs next week (first time doing so) and public speaking is my weakest...
If you come from a completely different background and just starting to venture into starting your own tech company, which skill would you learn first?Programming, web design, or sales?
I have technical background and founder of software startup. Now, I started learning the importance of Communications Skills in demos and meeting with prospective clients. Any books or courses...
There are two alternatives to startup path: A great idea (to solve a gigantic consumer problem) with enormous scalability, sustainability for long-term but in a different field/industry in which...
im a system administrator and have some ideas and small amount of money to spare. Despite i am a tech guy, i actually have a problems learning programming(trying a few times with deplhi then with...
What are the most important meta skills an entrepreneur should either have or develop to become more successful? When I refer to meta skills, I am referring to skills that can help a person...