How do I calculate how much my UK limited company earns in British Pounds if I take payments in foreign curriencies (Polish zloty and Euros), and how I then know how much tax I need to pay? In...
I am the CEO of a rapidly growing startup and our growth has begun to outpace our resources as a 3 person organization. So we have begun looking around for people to hire, both as programmers, as...
I am pursuing an opportunity as an outside consultant to an established company, but don't really know how to package my services. Here are a couple of models I have come across: Charge a...
I am based at India and have one developed product which is targeting to Indian market. It can be changed easily to cater western market too. Along with that we have consulting and project...
I've made a proposal to a prospect and he suggested we have a 'business lunch' and eventually continue afterwords in their office. How should I prepare for it? Any DOes and DONTs? P.S. This is...
What is the name of a business model where you offer a product for free to entice people to use your service? I'm not referring to freemium. I am more talking about how Google works. They offer...
My sister and I started a small company. I don't mind working with her. So far, we've been doing well and have managed to keep our professional issues separate from our family life. The problem is...
I have an idea I am working on that I believe will be useful. I have been told that verbally several times. Rather than spend money on developing it to completion, I want my proposed...
I'm about to bring on two partners in my LLC. However both have indicated that the "partnership" would be between my company and each of their incorporated entities. Is that normal? What is the...
We are a new company and have developed an online service that we want to charge a monthly fee to use. So far, we have tried two merchant account providers and have been turned down because we are...
Our startup has a person who holds a very high percentage of the company's common stock. We don't have any money yet, and we've been working for a year. This guy has done an extremely minimal...
I would like to have a clarification over this case: Does this mean that if anybody buys shares today, they will be able to...
My question concerns a new business: I belong to a team or software developers. Up until now, we've each done our "own thing", as self-employed workers. Altogether, our business takes place in the...
I live in a country, Australia, where I can get upwards of 5% interest per annum on cash deposits held in a bank account. Having parents-in-law who live in a country, Japan, that offers about 0.02%...
At our startup we have a software on premise business. We offer a system, for about 20k. The client needs support for the system for 3 years, that includes to fix it if it fails no matter how many...
I am an American with (a bit of) a marketing background, though currently I live in Minsk, Belarus. I recently met the CEO of a very tiny Software Development start-up, and we developed a friendly...
I have bootstrapped a startup and am at the stage where I need salespeople who can go out and acquire some customers. Online marketing doesn't seem to be helping since my startup is a B2B focusing...
I'm considering starting a company with a few friends. Each of us are single guys. We're wondering, is it legal or common for a company to require other owners to sign a prenup in the event they...
Upon what criteria should I price an online product? Since I am going to design an E-Commerce website like, I am not sure how to price the individual packs that I am going to...
Lets say you have just graduated from uni/college and you have a wonderful idea which you think you wanted to do. You know programming but you don't know the relevant skills to make it happen {...