Why are there free services and paid services? How are paid services different? For example, some job search sites require $$$, and others are free. How would you decide whether to charge for a...
We're a small group of IT students and recently we came up with an idea that we're going to pitch with business plan in an event hoping to get feedback and funding from investors. (Ok, I read that...
In a startup, how do you deal with the main programmers, who are good in communication/designing and seem independently entrepreneurial? How do you get to work for you and not compete with the...
I own a company that performs computer repair and help etc online via remote support. There is no physical location for a customer to come in and drop their computer off. With that being said,...
I have a MVP for a B2C website live and am in the process of deciding the pricing and plans for the fully functional site. On doing some research on the competitors, it appears that they are...
I recently created 2 websites about missed opportunities to build some buzz about a book that is currently being published. I would appreciate any advice, comments or suggestions about the 2...
We are considering investing in the development of a game, which will run on either IPhone or Android (both later). The game is very innovative with and has some genuinely new features, which means...
we built an idea management system at the Taipei Startup Weekend (a few days ago) and were delighted to finish second. This morning we've found that a competitor, one who's clients include FedEx,...
Are their examples I can give to those that work with me to let them know, more features is not what we want at this point.
My friends and family who none of which own a company keep telling me I should get a job. From my perspective creating a job is a job. I explain that I am developing a software company and it...
Provided I raise a first investment from angel on X valuation, then raise another one from same angel on X+Y valuation, what would be the total amount of percentage the angel will have of the...
One of the favorite parts of my job is to recruit people for my company. From experience I have come to realize that no matter how busy you are, outsourcing recruiting and hiring is very...
I'm offering professional support for an open source product, with the blessings of the team behind it. What is a good way to structure support to make this good for my clients AND worth my...
I have a website based idea, now i want to know how do the websites generate revenues, i now one way is the advertising, but then i heard it from someone who said that it depends on the number of...
As for many startups, my primary sales channel is via personal network. I am therefore looking for any new or non-traditional equipment or tools to use when the chance for selling suddenly arises....
I am considering building a startup that provides a user with twitter profile score i.e. how good is someone twitter profile before someone follow them. I have basic consideration about what...
We create screencasting software that user use to create software demos or tutorial. I know there is CamStudio which is free, but: CamStudio's codec is too worse: our codec produce file just 1/3...
If 2 business are generating the same revenue / profits, would you value a business more (in terms of numbers) because they are located at a good business address? (psychology is in play here)
I have a hard time getting visitors to my site where I sell a cooking software for Windows. I'm still improving it by SEO (especially the english version is far from perfect) but suppose that will...