If you hire somebody to develop a product for you, and they take the credit and the idea and make a success out of it, is it possible to have them sign a document stating that if they steal the...
I current own my own business and make quite a bit of profit. Well I am looking into other things and found some friends that have a good idea that I am interested in. These friends only have the...
I was reading this article about Groupon in the CS Monitor. Which starts from the assumption that the significantly decreased proposed valuation of Groupon in their IPO to $12+/- million from $25...
I've been developing an online trading algorithm as a hobby project for 3 months during the summer. It seems that two more people will join to me, due to external circumstances not entirely up to...
We are a consulting company that builds web and mobile apps for our clients. We have been asked if we accept some portion of compensation in equity. We do actually want to for some of our clients,...
So I have a start up I am working on and given that I am a technical person I have been out looking for a business co-founder. I approached a former co-worker of mine with business experience and...
So I am currently developing a web project with is SaaS, I'm committed to the project, but in order to judge the market while I work on it I was considering doing a some blogs post about the...
A few people have recommended the "E-Myth Revisited" book to me (and its on Joel reading list IIRC) and it gets very consistently good...
Hi anyone that can help! I have a UK limited company which is web based. I am thinking of spending anything upto 12 months in CA and wondered if its legal for me to carry on running my UK business...
I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get your startup featured on TV? I have had some success getting written about on some blogs, but nothing that non startup / tech people would see.
Is there a video conference app(preferably an iPad app) that would allow two people to view the same screen. For example, revising a slide or browsing while chatting and collaborating. Ivisit do...
I came across a somewhat catchy 6 letter name that had a domain still available. I snapped it up but then found out that splitting the name has a meaning in another language that, while not bad, is...
I'm in the U.S. My customer in Taiwan says: Please kindly provide the unit price (based on DDU Taiwan) and L/T. What does "DDU Taiwan" and "L/T" mean? My company has not shipped anything...
We outsourced development (out of the country) to get a prototype of our site put together. The developer estimated 8 weeks for the project, but admitted that they could not guarantee that it might...
I founded and was running a twitter tool all by myself. I was the sole Founder, CEO,CFO and whatnot. But, now that I have sold the tool, what happens to my Founder status? Can I still brag the...
I've started as a freelancer and back then I got a friend to design me two business cards that I handle in different situations. Bellow my name I have: IT Consultant, the generic card that I...
I am on the verge of being ready to launch a new web application. The application charges a small monthly fee to its users. It is hosted on servers overseas. However, currently, there is no legal...
I am currently employed at a large software company and have recently sprouted a new business idea which I believe (as all true entrepreneurs would) has big potential. The concept would likely...
I have studied information about other similar businesses in other states and I have spoken to industry experts and they have indicated that traditional advertising has not been effective for my...
Starting to work with our legal team and its time to expand the team. A few questions on the vesting schedule. Employee 1: CFO position I am bringing in a CFO from a financial background with...