I'm following the lean startup/customer development process (particularly Ash Maurya's 'Running Lean' book) and I have been implementing tasks in parallel rather than in a queue. At the moment, I...
If I provide consulting/freelance services for a US company, does it matter for the US company whether I'm based in Germany, India or the Seychelles? I'm NOT interested in the reputations these...
I'm going to be finishing my master's degree in computer science soon, and am interested in pursuing entrepreneurship. I'm currently based in Montreal, but for personal reasons, am considering...
I recently incorporated (c-corp) in California and now want to sell initial stock to my co founders, all have an active role in the company (directors). One guy is from Maryland, I am here in...
We are on the brink of hiring our first staff member in the UK. We know there is a lot of paperwork to be done, but have no idea what that paperwork is and which things are crucial and which are...
I have a startup operation in the lines of a traditional business. Shipping tangible products to customers. I order the inventory in bulk from factories in China. However, I need to ship orders to...
I'm a co-founder of a profitable startup doing around a million in revenue a year. I'm having a great time and gaining lots of experience with this startup. However, I have many other ideas...
Have any of you got experience with a remote partner, did it work out, and can you share any tips or arguments for or against working with a remote partner? I'm currently thinking about a very...
I'm at the Imagine Cup Finals, and I'm getting to see lots of students' projects, and lots of ideas. For competitions like that, there are of course a set of objectives that are slated as part of...
I am planning on starting a Web based PM business to cater to small manufacturing plants. I know there is a small market for it and I want to use it. What are my best options: Have someone create...
I teamed up with a student at school to help him launch a new business. The student I teamed up with has been running a legacy company for the past two years, which I am also involved in. The new...
I'm thinking to build some social games that can be played via website, social networks (Facebook, etc) and mobile apps. So, what are the successful revenue streams of social gaming companies?
We're at a point where we need to hire at 1-2 employees, and I'm not sure how much cash to have on hand. We're a SaaS product, with growing traction and on target to be cash-flow neutral next year....
Reading about companies like Burbn who made Instagram, they have 4 employees and 5 million users. With no immediate plans to make money off the back of it. What kind of person starts a business...
Our business involves developing iPhone/iPad apps now we have a lot of ideas for the apps and we want to develop all of them. Now my problem is Im not sure how we can go about keeping up with each...
If your start-up is very early on how soon should your start-up leave a home office to leave for a office building? or should it be based on how many people are working with you?
Being in the last stages of completing the development of a video based social network, my partners and I have interviewed a few internet marketing specialists for promoting us. After receiving...
I'm not looking for a digital wallet, but rather a service with an API that we could use to let people who use our app make payments to others using our app (iOS/Android) Does this service exist yet?
I have an online store which sells baby products. Thankfully, some customers have already bought my products, although my startup is just 2 months old. One of my plans is to make my customers come...