I have been asked how much do we charge for a sponsorship or an ad in our blog... what is a fair price, do you charge per month, size, location in page? any tips will be greatly appreciated. The...
I'm looking for a real world calculation for how much profit or projected profit we should expect a company to be making before we apply a valuation of X amount of money. What is a realistic...
I'm an independent software consultant who is looking for referrals. I've come to the conclusion that perhaps I should pay for them and earlier today posted this question about a teired commision...
Does search engine results page (SERP) depend on the number of Facebook's "likes"?
I have an idea patented. I believe that its worthy and will be useful for companies of a kind. Well, 1) how can I approach the company with my idea, 2) Is it possible to sell it as a license? (Like...
In Europe, there is enormous tax differences between high tax and low-tax jurisdictions for holding IP (for example 60% for owners of a "3:12" Swedish company vs 5% for a Luxembourg IP...
It reduces the risk for the entrepreneur but I also came across the complementary view that it might offer the angel/VC an added level of protection. How does that work?
What was the biggest mistake you made during the first few months of your startup?
Video games, board games and competitive sport or hobbies can be a lot of fun. I think they can also, to a certain extent, help build some entrepreneurial skills. Games that taught me about...
I have been using ringcentral for $40 a month and I can only take calls and messages so I can’t use ring central to make calls. I travel a lot so that is why I’m using ring central. I hear that...
I provided consultancy to a client to develop a product. Its been a couple of years now and I think there is a market to build that product for other clients. My question is how does it work. Is it...
I have been running a website for a month or so and as I now have some revenue coming through it, I have registered a limited company. The company name is different from my website name, as I...
I co-founded a startup and have been with them for almost a year now. I own around 40 percent of the company, which is to be vested over 3 years. So far, about 1/3 of it has been vested. On top of...
I am wondering if there is such a thing as a neutral, 3rd party service that provides an outside assessment to help a founding team that is ready to incorporate come to a decision on equity...
I often have ideas for a webservice ... as in a live internet programming API (Application Programmable Interface) for other websites. Ideally, I'd like to allow access to the API for free in order...
I've been asked to attend a local institution's meeting, in about a week, to pitch an app to the board of directors. (The app is not complete, but I have the basic framework in place. I'm sort of...
I always hear that a good idea is to solve people's pain. Here I have one: Pain: When I really want to talk to some one. His/her phone is always busy/no answer/please leave message ... etc. So I...
On many business websites, the "about us" tab has some photos of senior staff together with short biographies. This question is about those photos. What makes a good founder mugshot? What does...
One of my co-founders is suggesting that we split equity based upon the number of hours each person puts in until we obtain funding and begin drawing salaries. In other words, each person would be...
Amazon recently announced that it will cease paying affiliate reward to its California associates. As a startup very reliant on affiliate fees, is there any way to get around this? Background: We...