So I have a start up I am working on and given that I am a technical person I have been out looking for a business co-founder. I approached a former co-worker of mine with business experience and...
I'm kind of in the dilemma of choosing between continuing with my startup or accepting a very well paid and intellectually motivating job offering from a multinational company who just opened a...
I am a founder. I'm planning to write a letter/email to sell one of my website to big company, but the question is: Who should I contact? The CEO of company, the product manager or just anyone...
I am a student from Germany, and I want to start a company in the US. I've given starting it here first and then eventually expanding to the US some serious consideration, however, the chances of...
We are new to the software field and have been launched ~4 months = 8 sales so far.The conversion rate is 0.5 %.Product is priced around $25-$30 We are in a market with lot of competition,in fact...
Founders at Work proved to be a seminal piece of work for startup founders - a lot of things have happened since it's publication such as the "supposed" demise of Web 2.0, the rise of Twitter and...
Can anyone give me a one or two sentence definition of the term "Consumer Internet"? I feel like it is a phrase that is getting thrown around an awful lot, yet it seems extremely ambiguous. In...
While bulding my Business Plan for my future Website, I am trying to collect some relationships between traffic and online advertising monetization. I know that we cannot really trust numbers...
I'm a vet UX who now finds myself teaching graduate students user experience design. One of the lessons I want to provide my students is a real life application for their work. How do I find...
As a start up that has already a development team and a product in beta status we are looking for a co-founder that could bring the start up to the next level. I found some resources about how to...
We have been building and running a software company since 2009. Today I spoke to someone on the phone who claims to have a patent on the area we work in since 2010. I can find a few examples of...
I have recently read the book "Hit the Deck" by David Ronick, which suggests not to write a classical business plan and instead start with the pitch deck. This is based on the argument that...
Now that my startup is starting to generate revenue, I'm going to hire a designer, a rails coder, and several SEO people to work remotely. I'll likely start on ODesk and if they are good, move the...
It always happens when I launch new apps. A month or two into marketing it, there is very little growth or paid customers. Which leads to me losing interest or getting pessimistic about the app...
I released an iPhone running app two weeks ago. When I discovered a bug that only cropped up in the App Store version, I immediately pulled it from sale. Sold maybe 3 copies before I spotted the...
I'm trying to do things the proper, "lean" way by looking to survey potential users/customers so I can develop a product people want. The survey is out, but how do I know when I have sufficient...
I am a Rails developer with a job who does projects on the side. I've been asked by a couple of friends to build a product for their startup, nothing too special/creative technology wise. They...
I am starting an electronic rental business. Legally, am I allowed to put advertisements in print and web for my business that feature a picture of the electronic and name saying that I rent these...
We are building an app that caters to the B2B crowd, and our initial research has shown that our audience is split evenly among the platforms.Both of us are non-technical co-founders so we will be...
I am thinking of becoming a sole trader. I know as a sole trader I am liable for any debt the company has. Can I place money from my personal account into the business account to start it off? I...