I wondering how much is the typical commission percentage for sales (third party) that helping me to winning a project ? Do the commission based on project value or from net profit ?
My Friend (a graphic designer/production manager) is a 33% partner in a manufacturing company with 2 investors (spilt 33% among the 3). Right now they are manufacturing for outside clothing...
I'm pricing my SaaS version 2.0 software in preparation for launch in Q1 and I'm wondering why so many pricing pages have 3 options. For v1 we just had 1 pricing plan and we definitely left money...
Do any of you have experience with what I like to call "Act Now" pricing, or pricing which implies that the current price is a discount from the "real" price? I'm releasing a SaaS tool that has a...
I own a SaaS app with a subscription model. When I (hopefully) eventually switch from PayPal to a merchant account, where should I keep the income from subscriptions? Some people have told me to...
I came with an idea, it is mainly a small internet company that will help and guide people with no or little experience with computers and internet. Something like e-learning. My main problem is...
I have fresh software product startup (4 months after end of beta). I have a problem with making more money from that, i have from 4 last months almost constant income from that and this not...
We are from NJ. Our start up consists of 2 people. Previously, all of our clients were through our contacts, so we just accepted cheques for payment and deposited them in our Bank of America small...
I have contacted a sales rep with good experience and his recommendations are good. But he is interested in salary jobs that pay 80k, with me his 25% is six figures and he only has to sign 8...
I need to tell someone that I charge for going to them. What is the best way to say this?
There is a lot of hype about cloud solutions and I am considering whether to develop a piece of software to be sold in the Enterprise Segment as a cloud solution or as a regular software solution...
This is my first experience launching a startup, as well as my first desktop software I have ever wrote...so you are going to see lot of rookie mistakes. I waited until I have tried what I could...
Some key aspects include: 1] Writing the product desciption (obvious). 2] Describing unique features of the product. 3] Adding some personality to writing. 4] Describing use cases for the...
At 39, I am not a young entrant into entrepreneurship. The majority of my career has been spent as an engineer in a subordinate position. I have only light undergraduate business training as a CIS...
I am really stressed out. I launched about a week ago. So far there were 11 downloads of the free version. I had 2 pre-sale questions about the product. There have been no sales. I advertise that...
I've recently been headhunted by a startup a year old which I am very interested in leaving my current position in a large established business in the same industry for. There are a number of...
Location: UK I'm thinking about going freelance and having a decent name, and in near future probably convert to a Limited company. However I found on businesslink.gov.uk that the company name is...
Everyone has their own ideas. Some patented ideas may be useful for company growth. Many companies look for innovative ideas. Is there any place to post patented ideas so that companies seeking...
I'm talking about those Invention Assignment clauses in employment contracts (especially with regards to California labor code section 2870) "Prohibiting employee assignment to an employer of...
I'm in the phase of designing the price structure of my web application, and I'm trying to use a demand curve as a tool to find the "best" price. A few questions pops up in my head: How can this...