I've developting a SaaS product and would like to charge my users a subscription charge, I'm considering a model with a monthly fee and a annual discount - but now my question is this. How do I...
For some time I was involved in tech startups a lot, and obviously used the lean methodology. Some time ago though, I got an interesting offer from a corporate (one of the largest meat processors...
I'm looking to raise money from angel investors and would be focused on the startup 110%.I do, however, have some prior commitments that I had made for some short term consulting.I will easily be...
Scenario Give investors the option to have 50% of their equity returned as cash in the event that the cash value will equal their original investment amount. The idea is to make this a LOW RISK...
I'm a B2C start up bootstraping. I'm working on a software product and am looking for techniques to talk with my hopeful customers. Working a real time dictionary solution that integrates and...
I am just about to launch my site. I am launching it completely ad free. I am doing this for a few reasons. First, the site looks cleaner. Second, people may be more inclined to use the site if...
I am working on developing a platform that allows sports fans to interact with their star athletes. I have outsourced social media marketing for initial 2 months. Now we have developed differences...
My website is going to be about technical tutorials/stuff and later I also plan to release an ebook. It's very focused on an important technical topic. The best domain possible is composed to 2...
We're trying to figure out the pricing for a service we've been asked to provide (a couple times, in passing, actually in reference to something we've pitched that hasn't hit the mark "well that's...
I am a college student and I am supposed to be creating a business plan for a school project. I decided to create a faux video game company in order to satisfy the criteria of the project, but I've...
In the words of Scott Burnham, in 14 ways to get hacked, rule number 7. 'Release your work half done', I have a project that requires the 'iron to be struck whilst its hot' so to speak, but I don't...
I'm part of a team that is in my university's startup competition, a big event with a big prize for the winning team. As part of the competition, teams have to contact the people who represent...
Can anyone point me to any data that shows validates the scalability promises of the MySql database ? Specifically I am looking for real life examples of applications running MySql server and...
I work for a large complex company, I delibrately do not want to say, which business it is in, in order to make this discussion general. In this company, as in many others, there are lots of...
Currently the software is in alpha and we're looking for some more users and are not sure where the best place is to drop an invite code or whatever other strategy will help us gather up some...
I'm participating in some business funding and recently we've faced a severe problem. The question is quite simple: how do we share profit, so that no one would be left behind? So, there's three...
What are some key items to watch out for in an office space lease? We're renting a small space and don't have the resources (bootstrapped) to also hire a lawyer just to review the lease.
I'm interested in joining an early stage startup and have a question regarding what is the expected equity I should be offered. This is the scenario:1. The startup has a single founder who is the...
Do you guys think a ecommerce Saas product would "fly" if the service didn't actually process the credit cards itself? Rather it redirects to services like paypal, google checkout etc?
In the past, I have worked on many different projects with groups of people ranging in size from 2 to 10. These projects have always flopped due to numerous issues, but one issue that has always...